The fourthe booke | ||||
out as much of the iuice as may bee: then take new Swines grease that | ||||
is molten & di. & as much weathers* tallowe, in the same man- | ||||
ner used, & then put thereto rosin* small powdered lb di masticke*, and | ||||
olibanum* .an. ℥3 & then set them a litle on the fire, & boyle them, and | ||||
allwayes be stirring of them, least that any of the powder cleave to the | ||||
bottome & burne too. And when that it is boyled, put thereto lb di of cleane | ||||
molten waxe, & then boyle all these together until that the halfe bee | ||||
wasted with a litle fire, so that the boylinge be allwayes kepte, & conti- | ||||
nually stirred:& when that thou hast set it from the fire, put thereto lb di. | ||||
of turpentine, & stirre it allwayes untill it waxe colde, & if it bee too | ||||
liquid put thereto more waxe, & looke that thou have of Sage m. 2. of | ||||
rewe* .m. 2. & pownde them both together, & strayne out the iuise**, & put | ||||
it into the sayde matters, & whilest that it is yet hot, & stirre them well | ||||
together untill it be colde, & then put it into a vessell, & keep it to | ||||
thy use, for this is the righte makeinge of it. | ||||
47.Oleum praetiosum*. At the beginning it is good above | ||||
all medecines in ye worlde, agaynst the gowte & aches, | ||||
& sicknesses that doe come of colde, it withstandeth | ||||
aches caused of colde, & of age, also it renuethe the | ||||
fleshe of the visage, & the bloud of man, it keepeth | ||||
dead bodyes from rottenge, & all corruption: also it | ||||
is good above all other things agaynst ye palsy, & ye | ||||
falling sickenes*, & agayst the stone in the raignes**, | ||||
& allso in the bladder, & to all the crookednes | ||||
in ye lymmes*: and it is thus made. | ||||
Take oleum benedictum*.lb .j. gumme of ivye lb di seede of baume*, lb di but the | ||||
seede of bawme first shall be enbybyd in the oyle of bawme, & then take | ||||
mirrhe* that is chosen, aloes Succotrine*, turpentine an..℥.4. & meddle** | ||||
all together, set them on a softe fire three or fowre times, untyll that | ||||
they have a cytryne* coloure, & shineinge: & till that it come to ye colour | ||||
of hony or turpentine, & then keepe it pretiouslye*. | ||||
48. Unguentum alabastri* is good agaynste cold fevers, & | ||||
for the stone*, for ye megrime*, & for ye disease of | ||||
the matrice*, & it is made as followeth. | ||||
Take greene savyn*, grounde ivye, myllfoyle, mugworte, & fenecreke, lyn- | ||||
seede, hearbe bennet an. ℥6. stampe all together, & put them in di lb of | ||||
cleane water, & let them lye therein three dayes, & then put thereto | ||||
di lb good oyle olyffe*, & seeth** them easilye until the water be cosumed, | ||||
& then strayne it through a canvas, & put thereto waxe, colophonye*, | ||||
turpentine, galbanum*, gumme edere, pitch of Spayne, rosin, masticke, | ||||
an. ℥ 5. storax calaminary*, spickenarde, red storax an. lb j. balsamu, | ||||
℥.4. melte all that will be molten, & meddle with them the powders | ||||
of the other thinges, & keepe it to thy use. | ||||
Flos unguentorum* | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN