flood of December one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight were now | ||||
wrecked full and covered with Gravel and reduced to the Level of the adjacent | ||||
parts another flood succeeded this in the Compass of ten days that rose within | ||||
eight Inches as high as the former but in this nothing happened of any kind | ||||
in short the Bridge being now Erected as far as it was concerned with the water | ||||
all the Arches cleared and the Defences completed after a great Number of great | ||||
Floods and nothing happening in Consequence everyone seemed so entirely | ||||
satisfied of the Stability of the Bridge that even the Gilligate people* Mr | ||||
Pickernel observed ceased their visits who before had constantly after every | ||||
Flood come to Inspect in hopes of finding something Correspondent to their | ||||
prayers and wishes for the downfall of the Bridge. | ||||
Mr Smeaton was however agreeably surprized on having this Account | ||||
that the fall of water had been so great and no harm ensued for had it been | ||||
possible for him to be appriz’d of such a fall beforehand he never | ||||
should have recommended to Mr Errington to have undertaken to have Erected | ||||
a Bridge upon that Bed of Gravel. | ||||
It therefore at this time apears plain that the Oakwood Bank Rubble will | ||||
lay still and resist a Velocity of the water of Nine hundred and thirty feet in a | ||||
Minute yet is capable of being all removed and carried away by a Velocity of | ||||
water of or a little exceeding one thousand feet Per Minute a Velocity resulting | ||||
from a difference of Four. Four as it was or upwards in the Flood of March | ||||
One thousand Seven hundred and Eight two And that the Gravel Bed itself | ||||
is capable of being torn up under a much less degree of Velocity the Question then | ||||
is how in such a situation a foundation can be laid and effectually Secured | ||||
Shall we attempt to build a Wall across the bottom of the River accord- | ||||
-ing to Mr Wooler’s proposition Experience has shewn in the Building of the | ||||
last Bridge that the Gravel is of so open a nature in the Main Channel of | ||||
the River that it is impracticable to drain of the water Mr Smeaton means | ||||
not to put limits to the invention and ingenuity of Men but his observa- | ||||
-tion Experience nor invention has hitherto suggested any effectual Method | ||||
of founding such a Wall without draining of the Water and the same | ||||
will apply itself to the [persuing?]* the bottom across the River. | ||||
But for a moment suppose the thing done, this Wall or this Apron | ||||
26 must | ||||
Note: Mr Smeaton's Memorial P 26
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Transcribed by CTW and KS