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Page 129, Oath of Canonical Obedience

Juramentum de
Canonica obedientia
Hoc effatum est pr Episcop Dabis etiam fidem de praestanda Canonica tua obedientia
nobis et Sucessoribus nostris Episcopis Dunelmensibus pro
tempore existentibus. Sicut te Deus adjuvat tactis sacro
-sanctis Dei Evangelijs.
Juramentum de residentia
pro Vicario solummodo pr Item tu jurabis quod eris Residens in Vicaria de ec juxta leges
Episcopum effatum et Canones huius Regni et Ecclesiae Anglicanae.
Sicut te Deus adjuvat tactis sacrosanctis Dei Evangelijs
Oath of
Canonical obedience
This is to be spoken by the Bishop Furthermore you will swear to show Canonical
obedience to us and to our successors as Bishops of
Durham now and in the future. So God
help you, as you touch the holy gospels of God.
Oath of residency to be spoken by And you will swear that you will be Resident in the
the Bishop only for the appointment Vicarage of X in accordance with the laws and Canons
of a Vicar of this Kingdom and of the Anglican Church. So God
help you, as you touch the holy gospels of God.

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Transcribed by GB and LF