The fourthe Booke. | ||||
40. A plaister for an imposthume*, | ||||
or suddayne swellinge. | ||||
Take the iuice* of walworte**, & wheate meale, & boyle them together untill | ||||
that they be thicke as honye, & lay it on all hot. | ||||
41. The newe plaister of greene whc is called Solempne* drawne | ||||
out of ye olde plaister of greene, more healinge than ye other. | ||||
Take hive honye in the combe, & these three hearbes, apiu, planten, and | ||||
betonye* (apium is Smallage** that groweth in gardens, some men say that it | ||||
cometh of parselye but it is not so) take of the iuice of each of these herbs | |||| .j. & put them together in a panne, & then take a quarterne of lb of | ||||
cleane new waxe that cometh newe from the honye, & then take halfe a | ||||
quarterne of frankencens white & cleane, halfe a quarterne of pitche and | ||||
rosin that is cleane, & looke that all these thinges be boyled with the iuices | ||||
aforesayde, untill that the iuice be wasted, & allwayes stirre it with a sclyse*, | ||||
& then take it from the fire, & stirre it well & clense it through a cloth: that | ||||
done, take ℥.of turpentine & temper it together, & when that it is colde, | ||||
make it up in rowles, & keep it to thine use: This plaister is unknowne | ||||
in many places & landes, which was had of a Jewe in Florence, & it is | ||||
a Solempne healer, for it healeth without tente* put into the wounde, bee | ||||
the wounde never so deepe, & one plaister will heale a hundred woundes | ||||
if that it be well kepte, & chafed betweene handes, & this muste be spred | ||||
upon canvas, & when you will occupy thereof, you must cut a hole in ye | ||||
middle of the plaister almost as longe as the wounde, & before you lay | ||||
on the plaister morninge and eveninge, you must washe the wounde with | ||||
lukewarme white wine, or red at every dresseinge, & at everye dresseing | ||||
make the plaister hot betwixte thine handes, & make it cleane, & put it on | ||||
the wounde, then take a litle hempe & make it in manner of a tente, and | ||||
wet it in the wine aforesayde, & put it in lengthe alonge upon the hole of | ||||
the plaister layde on the wounde, & all the filth of the wounde from the | ||||
bottome shall arise up by the hole of the playster at the tente without, & | ||||
if that the wounde by meanes of surfettinge doe ake, take a little oyle | ||||
olliffe* luke warme, & put it into the wounde. | ||||
42. To make oximell* in manner of a Syrroppe | ||||
to drinke firste and laste. | ||||
Take a pinte of clarified honye, & a pinte of good red vineger, & put to them | ||||
the powder of pellitorye of Spayne*, gencian,* turmentyll,* root of worme- | ||||
woode, dittanye, rewe*, byttane*, mintes, & avans* an. .℥ & when ye powders | ||||
have well boyled, cast thereto .℥.2 of lycoris well pownded, & then straine | ||||
them through a clothe, & put away the fecys*, & then put to ye clearest .½ ℥ | ||||
of suger, ½ ℥.of gallingall*, & keepe it in a glasse. [T?] Take and drinke | ||||
heereof three or fowre spoonefulls at a time, in the morninge colde, and at | ||||
nighte warme as milke, & use this medicine dayly untill a quarte bee | ||||
dronken, & it will clense the pipes of corruption, & the stomacke, and it | ||||
prevayleth agaynste the winde engendred in the stomacke & gutts, and | ||||
causeth good digestion, & it will drawe downe all evell humors out of | ||||
the Stomacke, | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN