The fourthe booke fo 65 | ||||
Liber 4. | ||||
for a wounde, it worketh much the more. | ||||
37. Here followeth the making of the privy oyle. | ||||
Sanguis draconis* | ||||
Take mirrhe, aloes epatic*, spikenarde*, |
fleshe* .j. amumia*, bdelium*, seede of baume, gumme armeniac*, sercacoll*, | ||||
masticke, saffron, gumme Arabic, Storax liquida* an. ℥.2 labdanum castor* | ||||
an.℥.2 & di. muske, ℥ di. turpentine as much as of all ye reste, & then make | ||||
powder of all them of all them will be powdered, & mixe them with the turpentine, & | ||||
distill them in a glasse, as thou wouldest distill water of roses, & keepe it in | ||||
a stronge glasse. This oyle keepeth the substance of humors that bee good, | ||||
& also the limmes & the spirituall substaunce of synewes, & it keepeth | ||||
deade bodies from rottinge, medled with the water of roses, & anoynte all | ||||
the backe from the neke downe to the raignes*, & it maketh a leane bodye | ||||
fatt, & if the backe be anoynted therewith before the axys, it healeth the | ||||
quartayne* & other fevers, & it is good for him that may not speake & for | ||||
the riseing up of the mother, & for the falling sicknes, to be put into the | ||||
patients nose, & into his eares, & to be dronken with wine, it is good a= | ||||
gaynst Sorrowe, & comfortable for all diseases both hot and colde. | ||||
38. A plaister for the moremall*. | ||||
Take greene wallnuts, & clense them from the skynnes, & a little blacke | ||||
pitch, & grinde them together in the manner of an oyntement, and put | ||||
thereto quicke silver* mortified as much as thou wilte, and after as ye | ||||
legge it moiste or drye, & if it be harde, temper it with a little commyn | ||||
oyle as neede is, & every morninge wash the sore with a litle whyte | ||||
wine, then anoynte the sore with the said oyntemente, & then laye | ||||
planten leaves upon, & this doe every daye untill that he be whole. | ||||
39. The golden plaister of Padwaye.* | ||||
Take litarge of golde* .lb.4. & breake it into powder, & then take .lb.3. of | ||||
oyle olliffe*, that is three pintes, then put that oyle into an earthen panne, | ||||
& set it over a fire of charcoale without flame or smoke: & when that the | ||||
oyle is hot, put thereto the litarge, ever stirringe it that it cleave not to | ||||
the bottome, & seeth* them together by the space of two howres or more, untill | ||||
that it be thicke, & when that it ariseth up aboute the panne, for goeinge | ||||
over take a litle vineger & cast thereon, & anon it will goe downe, and | ||||
after take it from the fire, & as oft as it doth arise up, caste therein vi= | ||||
neger at each time a spoonefull, & when that it allmost colde, caste | ||||
thereon the third spoonefull of veneger, & then make it up in rowles for | ||||
it will be harde, & if it be too softe, you may seeth it the more: & if it be | ||||
too harde put thereto more oyle, & it is made: & assaye it as thou doest | ||||
the plaister of plumbe*, this must be made without** the house in an ear= | ||||
then panne, & this plaister will heale all broken thinges, as bones bro= | ||||
ken, & bruised: you must spreade it upon leather, & lay to the fore, with= | ||||
out takeinge awaye untill the plaister fall of by it selfe, & then without | ||||
doubte it is whole. | ||||
A plaister | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN