Litterarum Ordinum | Tenore praesentium nos J. Providentia divina R. Episcopus | |||
Diaconatus forma | Notum facimus Universis quod die Dominico. S. Trinitatis. Viz | |||
v. die mensis M. Anno Domini ec in Capella nostra sive Oratorio | ||||
apud Domum nostrum mansionalem infra Parochiam de . Dioces. | ||||
nostrae R. Nos praefatus Episcopus sacros ordines (Dei omnipotentis | ||||
praesidio) celebrantes. Dilectum nobis in Christo. Jo. in artibus magistrie | ||||
(a)Si litterae fuerint pro Presbytera- | Collegii de ec in Academia C socium (a) de vita sua laudabili ac more | |||
-tus ordine supple per nos (vel per | et vertutum suarum donis nobis in hac parte commendatum sufficiens | |||
talem Episcopum) antea in Diaco- | intitulatum Nec non in sacrarum litterarum doctrina et scientia eruditum | |||
-num Ordinatum | et a nobis examinatum et approbrobatum ad Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem | |||
juxta morum et ritum Ecclesiae Anglicanae in ea parte pie et salub- | ||||
rime etitum et provisum admisimus. $Ipsumq$ primitus de agnoscendo | ||||
Regiam supremam potestatem et authoritatem tam in rebus Ecclesias | ||||
ticis quam Civilibus. Ac de debita allegiantia et fidelitate Regiae subli | ||||
mitati ejusque, Successoribus praestanda juxta Statutorum formam in | ||||
eo casu nuper editam, et stabilitam juramento Corporali oneratum | ||||
(b)in Presbyterum rite ec. | Subscriptisque Articulis susceptae religionis infra hoc regnum Angliae | |||
editis, et promulgatis) (b) in diaconu |
(c)a cui quidem ad In cujus rei | mus et promovimus tunc et ibidem (c) Cui quidem Jo. Sic ordinato Nos | |||
omittitur | Episcopus ante dictus facultatem Diaconi officium exercendi juxta | |||
morem et ritum praedictos in Domino concedimus per praesentes. | ||||
In cujus rei testimonium Sigillum nostrum Episcopale praesentibus | ||||
apponi fecimus Datis die mensis |
dictis, Nostraque consecrationis Anno. ec | ||||
Form of words for the ordination | By the agreement of these present we, J., by divine providence | |||
of a deacon | Bishop of R., make it known to all that on the Lord’s day, the second after | |||
trinity, that is on the 5th day of the month of M. in the year of our Lord N, | ||||
in our Chapel or Oratory in our mansion-house in the parish of . in our | ||||
Diocese R, we, the aforesaid Bishop are ordaining to holy orders (with the | ||||
protection of almighty God). | ||||
(a) If this ordinal is used for the | Jo., our beloved in Christ, master of arts, fellow of X College of C University, (a) | |||
ordination of a priest add “formerly | has been commended to us in this matter for his praiseworthy life, his character and | |||
ordained Deacon by us (or by an | the gifts of his virtues, and is sufficiently qualified. He is also learned in the | |||
equivalent Bishop)” | teaching and knowledge of the holy scriptures and has been examined and approved by us. | |||
We have admitted and advanced him to the Holy Order of Deacon, according to the customs | ||||
and rites of the Anglican Church, in that holy and beneficial way. | ||||
He has himself acknowledged the supreme power and authority of the Crown in both | ||||
Ecclesiastical and Civil matters. And he was made answerable by corporal oath for | ||||
the firmness of his due allegiance and loyalty to his Royal highness and his successors, | ||||
according to the form of the laws lately proclaimed for this case. And he subscribed to | ||||
the articles of received religion proclaimed and published in this kingdom). | ||||
(b) as Priest in the proper way .. | We ordained and promoted him then and there (b) as Deacon in the proper way and | |||
according to the Canons. | ||||
(c) from ‘Indeed’ to ‘In witness’ is | (c) Indeed, we, the aforesaid Bishop, have granted, through this document, | |||
omitted | to that Jo., so ordained, the authority to exercise the office of Deacon according | |||
to the aforesaid customs and rituals. | ||||
In witness of this act we have appended our Episcopal seal to this document. | ||||
Given on the day, month and year of our Lord written above, and in the year N | ||||
of our consecration. | ||||
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and GB