The fourthe booke. fo 64 | ||||
Liber 4. | ||||
blacke within, & then make powder of them so quenched, & put them into | ||||
a good vessell of glasse with the oyle that is lefte of the quenching of them, | ||||
if there be anye left els, put thereto more oyle, so that the oyle cover the | ||||
powder of the tilestones a finger thicke, & then take castor*, Spickenarde*, | ||||
or rew*, & grinde them all together, & mingle them with the powder afore= | ||||
sayde, & stop well the mouth of the vessell, & set it in a dunghill 25 days, | ||||
& then take it up, & set thereon a lymbecke & distill it, at the beginninge | ||||
with a little fire, & after strengthen the fire untill that it come, the first | ||||
that cometh is righte good, keepe it by it selfe & the second is much better, | ||||
keepe it by it self, & the third is best of all, & it is of red coloure, & keepe | ||||
that by it self, for though all they be good, yet the redest is most strongest of | ||||
Savoure, & the most subtillest in substance; if that a piece of iron be annoin= | ||||
ted therewithall, & touch any fire, anon it will burne, the practise of this | ||||
oyle is such, that it slayeth wormes on this manner, heate this oyle a | ||||
litle in a shell of an egge or otherwise, & when that it is lukewarme, | ||||
drop a little thereof ofte times into the eare in which a worme is in, & it | ||||
will slea her, for in this manner whereforever the wormes be, either | ||||
in the eares, or in the wombe, it shall slay them, or els where in anye | ||||
place: allso it will breake the stone in the bladder in this wise, take the | ||||
outmoste skynne of the parsely roote, or of the fennell roote, or ye seede | ||||
of parslye or fennell, & grommell* Seede both the mallowes* & fenecreke*, | ||||
if thou mayst get it, & boyle them al in water, & strayne them through | ||||
a clothe, & if thou have a quarte of this water so strayned, put thereto | ||||
one ownce of the sayde oyle, & drinke thereof lukewarme tastinge,or an houre | ||||
& halfe after meate, or beinge in a bath, & doeth it often untill that the | ||||
stone be broken & wasted, & if that the sicke bodye be yonge, drye, & leane | ||||
then give it him to drinke in Summer with the decoction of the foure colde | ||||
seedes*, & lettice seede, & of the mallowes aforesayd, of each like much, | ||||
allso it is good for sicknesses in the bladder, when that it cometh of cold, | ||||
& that may be perceived, when that the patient feeleth no heate in that | ||||
parts, nor in his urine, & he is eased with heate, & diseased with cold & if | ||||
that he feele himselfe colde aboute the Share*, that is ye most certaynest | ||||
token, & if there be any corruption of flesh & bloude, or any superfluitye | ||||
congealed in the bladder, then thou shalt give to him a quantity of ye saide | ||||
oyle with the water of honye: but beware least there be any wounds | ||||
an new in the raygnes*, for olde woundes dread thee nothinge, allso if that | ||||
the patient agaynst his will pisse or make water in his bed, then give him | ||||
this oyle to drinke with wine of the decoction of rewe*, castor*, cupile*, | ||||
gladme seed*, mirrhe*, & incense*, & anoynte his privy members oftentimes | ||||
with that oyle, allso this oyle bringeth fourth urine of cold humors, or mat= | ||||
ter of bloud congealed, or of the stone witholden in the necke of ye bladder: | ||||
allso it is good for them which have ache of any cold humor, or payne in | ||||
the eares, & for all other members: & for the palsye & for ye quakeinge or | ||||
shakeing of any member, & for the draweinge aside of the mouthe, in this | ||||
manner anoynte the member that is sore of any of these 3 passions, that | ||||
is to saye | ||||
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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN