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Image 122, fourth book, folio 62b, receipts 24 (contd) to 25.

The fourthe booke.
cleane, & then frye them in the foresayd oyle & tallowe, & when that they
are drye & harde, take them oute & strayne out the oyle, & in that
oyle dissolve waxe & rosyn* an ℥ .12. & cleane frankencens* well
powdered ℥ .6. & then take the leaves of white mallowe. m 3**. & ye leaves
of elana campana* m.2. & of selondine.m. ij. & of planten.m.4.& bray**
them all in a morter, & in the brayeinge put to them a quarte of white wine
of gascon*, & then strayne off the licor, & put thereto lb. j of the roote of
elana campana brayed as small as morter, & then put that licor to the
foresayd oyles, and boyle all together by the space of goeing a mile way*,
& then assaye* it in a spoon, if that it the likenes of an unguent**, & if it
have put it from the fire, & if it have not Seethe* it more, & when it
is sodden* enoughe put it into a cleane boll**, till that it be colde, & well
congealed, & then take it up cleane, & put away the water, & slime that
is under, & if it be too harde, boyle it again with a little more oyle, &
if it be too softe, put thereto a little waxe, perosin*, & tallowe, & seeth all
agayne, & this oyntemente will laste an hundred yeares
25. To make an oyle that the masters of Salerno* used for
all aches caused of hot or colde, rankeled or not rankeled
for aches in Shoulders, or raignes, sciatica passio,*
& for aches in handes, legges, or feete, that is caused
of travell, & for manye other.
Take Suthernewoode. m. j..wormewoode m. j..lavender flowers, & if thou
canot get them, take of the leaves with the tender croppes m. j.. of roses ga-
thered in the month of May, fresh & newe, when that the dew is fallen
awaye in the forenoone, & pull the leaves from the bud or seede castinge
the rest awaye, & take of that leaves m. j.. camomyll m. j.. Sage ryall m. j.
& shred the longe hearbes as shorte as the rose leaves, & mixe all well
together then bruise them in a fayre morter, putting thereto your
bruised hearbes, & set it over a sharpe fire, & then put thereto a pinte
of the deade water of aquavite*, of the second distillation by a canon, but
assay the water with a spoone, if that it burne a little & remayne a great
parte unburned, then it is very good for this purpose, & then seeth it
an howre largelye ever boileinge easilye, & when an howre is
done, withdrawe the fire, but look that it ever seeth tyll that it be very
greene & then take a sclyce* or a cleane spoone, of silver, & take up of
the cleare and beholde if it be ray or no (that is of divers colours) & if it
be so, then let it remayne over the fire till that it be like fine & of one
colour through greene, & take good heede that it be evermore well stirred,
for sitting to the panne, from the firste beginninge to the last endeinge: and
then take it downe from the fire, & let it coole, & then take a chirurgions*
poke* of canvas, & strayne it into a cleane vessell, & put it into a double
glasse, but into none other vessell, for it is so penetrative it will melte
away and

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN