The fourthe booke. | ||||
with weathers* tallowe, and take good heede of the wounde if it be in the | ||||
heade & deepe: then put in no sanicle* .i. gowldes, for if the panne be broken, | ||||
it will pierse the boyle, & that were greate perill. And now to ye other | ||||
parte of thine implaisyer, keepe it rawe, for it is constrictive, tractative*, | ||||
and clensinge. And the other parte that is sodden is sanative* & easeing, | ||||
and allso draweinge, & laye that playster on the wounde. And it is to under- | ||||
stande, that in the firste day there shall be no plaister nor unguente* layde | ||||
to any wounde, but onely the clenser of the wounde, as ye white of an | ||||
egge tempered with water and salte, layde upon flaxe, and so to | ||||
the wounde (the which in the is called plewmonolle*) and if yt | ||||
it be neede to the wounde. | ||||
9. A good plaister agaynste swellinge | ||||
Take growndeswell*, & brokelymppe*, daysies, rewbarbe*, | ||||
and petie* morell*, hearbe bennet* an. Stampe them & put them over ye fire | ||||
& let them boyle well a little while, & as hot as the sicke may suffer, | ||||
laye it to the sore. | ||||
10. An other good plaister agaynste all manner | ||||
swellings & hardenes of imposthume*. | ||||
Take the turdilles* of a male goate for a man, & of a female goate for a | ||||
woman, & resolve* it in a little vineger & a little honye, & bloud warme | ||||
laye it to the sore: this salve or plaister doth not onely dissolve ye swelling, | ||||
but allso fistulaes*, & the canker woundes it healeth: & it doth out the matter | ||||
& the rotten fleshe: & ceaseth the ache & prickeinge, & this is the beste | ||||
plaister for all harde imposthumes in olde bodies: and in olde imposthumes | ||||
wheresoever they bee. | ||||
11. A plaister yt dissolveth harde imposthumes. | ||||
Take bdelium*, honye, armoniarke*, galbanum*, an, grinde all these together | ||||
in a morter, with the oyle of hye mustyll*, fenecreke,* & lynseed right well, | ||||
untyll that they be well incorporate together, & make thereof a plaister, | ||||
and laye it to all harge imposthumes wheresoever they be. | ||||
12. A salve for botches* & biles | ||||
Take perosin*, white encens*, & sheepes tallowe an, melt them together, and | ||||
purifye them, & stirre them well untill they be well melded together, & then | ||||
strayne them into a vessell, & put thereto the iuice of the roote of walworte*, | ||||
as much by waighte as of one of the other before sayde, & meddle them | ||||
well together. | ||||
13. An entreate* for botches*, festers*, | ||||
cankers*, olde sores, & newe. | ||||
Take lb j of medewaxe*, lb j of barrowes* greace* molten & pured*.lb ss of | ||||
frankensens, ℥ j of masticke*, ss j lb of perosin*, lb ss of Spanish loode lb ss of | ||||
stone piche*, & 4 id of verdegres, take all these thinges & breake them small, | ||||
& put them into a fayre panne, & seeth them over the fire, & melte them | ||||
together, & when they are well molten*, then pouder** thy verdegres, & put | ||||
it into the other, & stirre them well together, for fitting to the panne, that | ||||
done take it from the fire, & let it coole untill that thou mayst strayne it, | ||||
& when thou straynest it, wet the bottome of the panne (with cold water) | ||||
into which |
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Transcribed by RMS and ALB