The table of ye thirde booke. | ||||
To bake calves Feete after the French | Q. | |||
fashion: 55.a. | To conserve Quinces: 50.b. | |||
G. | To make conserves of Quinces: 56.b. | |||
To make Gelly for one that is sicke: | To make conserves of Quinces after ye | |||
48.b.52.b. | manner of Spayne: 51.a. | |||
To make cleare Gellye: 54.a. | To preserve Quinces: 51.a.52.a. | |||
To make greene Ginger: 56.a. | To make fine Quodiniacke*, ec: 56.a. | |||
To perfume Gloves: 57.b. | R. | |||
To perfume Gloves with cloves: 58.b. | To make Rosa solis* water: 50.a. | |||
To perfume Gloves with muske, civet*, | To make suger Roset*: 56.b. | |||
or ambergres*: 58.b. | S. | |||
To pfume Gloves in ye Roman washe: | To stewe Sparrowes: 53.a. | |||
58.a. | To seethe salte Sturgeon: 54.b. | |||
To make an oyle to perfume Gloves | The order to sowce* Sturgeon: 54.b. | |||
that will never out: 57.b. | To make Syrroppe of cherries or | |||
To make Gloves blacke, browne, or | damsons: 52.a. | |||
red: 58.a. | To make Syrrop of rosa solis: 49.a. | |||
H. | To make Syrrop of roses: 57.a. | |||
To make an Hagges* of Almayne*: | T. | |||
54.a. | To make a cherry Tarte: 53.a. | |||
J. | To make a Tarte of oranges: 55.a. | |||
To make Ipocras*: 49.b. | To make a Tarte of spinage: 54.b. | |||
K. | To make Tartes of Portingall*: 53.b. | |||
To make fine Knots, rowles, ec: 55.a. | To make Lombardye Tartes: 55.b. | |||
L. | To make Toastes: 53.a. | |||
To stewe Larkes: 53.b. | To bake neates* Tongues: 54.b. | |||
M. | To dresse neates Tongues: 53.a. | |||
Blay Manger for them that be sicke: | To make Treacle*: 56.b. | |||
55.a. | ||||
To make Manus Christi*: 48.b.56.a. | V. | |||
To make Marchepayne*: 49.b. | ||||
To make good Marmalade: 56.a. | To bake a cowes Udder: 54.b. | |||
To make Marmalade of quinces: 52.b. | ||||
To make small baked Meates: 53.b. | W. | |||
To boyle Mutton: 55.b. | Doctor Stephen his Water: 50.a. | |||
N. | To make damaske Water: 51.b.57.b. | |||
O. | 58.a. alias ibid. | |||
To preserve Oranges in syrrop: 55.a. | For the Water imperiall: 57.a. | |||
P. | ||||
To make sweete burning Perfumes: 55.b. | To make sweete Water: 49.b. | |||
57.a. | ||||
To make Pescods*: 53.a. | ||||
To still a Pigge: 55.b. | X. | |||
To make suger Plate*: 49.a. | ||||
The Pottage* for the manner of Bardols | ||||
in Addington: 52.b. | Y. | |||
To make rise Pottage: 54.b. | ||||
To make Frenche Pottage: 55.a. | ||||
To make powder of violets: 51.b. | Z. | |||
To make sweete damaske Powder: 57.b. | ||||
To make sweete Powder: 57.a.alias ibid. | Here endeth the table of this booke | |||
To make Puddings with pigges liver: | of cookery & other conceates, as | |||
53.b. | baked meates, gellyes, conserves, | |||
To make a Pye of chickens: 53.a. | suger plats, & others. | |||
heere followeth |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by RMS and ALB