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Image 113, third book, folio 58a, receipts 93 (contd) to 96.

is of cookerye.
Liber 3.
of rosewater, & a quarte of renishe* wine, & infuse them the space of 24
howres, & distill them.
94. To make damaske water.
Take new ale in cornes* under the course unpechet* a pottle*, storax calaminte*
j id, with spike* & lavender of each an handfull, roses 4 handfulls, beniamin* 3 id,
with calamus aromate* 8 id, laye all these together in your still, & stop it close
all nighte & the nexte morne, but make a softe fire, & in ye glasse hang ij id of
muske: & a litle before you will occupy it, put a litle in a violl as much as
you will have, & hang a little powder of cynamon or ginger in sarsenet*, or
in a fayre cloth of linnen.
95. To make damaske water.
Take an earthen pot that will holde 4 gallons of water, put two gallons in,
but let your pot have no tappe hole*, then take as many spike flowers* as you
can holde in both your handes at twice* & caste thereto, & put thereto allsoe
sixe ownces of cloves well brayed* & bruised, & di i j lb of irines* beaten in pow=
der but not fine, a good handfull of rosemarye, & a good handful of spike* leavs,
fowre handfull of bay leaves, & the rines of sixe or seaven oranges, or els
the powder of them: then put to them all a pottle of good newe ale in cornes*,
& then stop fast your pots mouthe, & all to shake it, & so let it stand for ye space
of three howres, then plucke out the stoppell* , put in your hande & stirre all
together bottome & all, & then stop it agayne & so use it for fowre dayes together,
& put of it in the still with parte of the ingredior* as much as you can, & draw
thereof a water, but before you cover your still, put therein 2 id of oyle of spike*
& if you list 2 Z: of camphire*, & stirre them well together, & let it still, & when
your still is allmoste drye, put in more till all be drye & done, for ye last distilla=
tion will be beste, then to make your water, put in 8 cloves a litle bruised, and
stop faste the mouthe of the glasse, & so let it stand eighte dayes & more, then
you shall finde peices if in the bottome, which clense, & put your water in
other glasses & keepe it, the longer the better.
96. To make gloves blacke, browne or red.
take j lb of howse blacke*, it will cost j d, & j lb of lambe blacke**, it will cost 6 id, & j lb
of Spanish blacke*, it will coste j d, now if thou have a dozen payre of gloves
to make blacke, worke thus: First take a quarter of j lb of howse blacke, and
halfe a quarter of j lb of lambe blacke, then take a paynters stone, & laye thy
blackes upon it, then put to it nine or ten spoonefulls of fayre water; & if yu
wilte goe to the coste rose or damaske water, & then grinde thy powder till
it bee very fine without any knobs in it, then take & put it into a treane* boll**
then take & put to it a pinte of water that is fayre, or of rosewater as be=
fore: then stirre it well together, then take a little brushe of hayre*, & dip it in
that blacke water, firste make cleane your stone that you did grinde, and lay
your glove the blacke on, & lay your glove on that stone, & then with youre
brushe dipte in the water as is sayde before, all to brushe your glove till it be
all blacke, & then take & blowe your glove full, then hange it on a stringe
to drye, & when it is drye, then take & rub it out, & beate of the duste: & this
doe with all the rest one by one till all your gloves be blacke. But if you
will not have your gloves cole blacke, but somewhat browne, then take &
put to the

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Transcribed by RMS and ALB