The thirde booke, | ||||
all these together, & looke they be well strayned through a cullender, & kepte | ||||
in a close boxe, and this is good damaske powder. | ||||
88. To make fine washinge balls. | ||||
You must take these powders abovewritten finely serced* through a fine sive, | ||||
& then scrape your sope very fine, & when it is so done, put it into a morter, | ||||
& put thereto a litle damaske or rose water, & beate it withall, & when you se | ||||
no knobs in the sope, put in your powder fine serced, & minge* all together a | ||||
good while, then make washings balls of it, as fine as you will: & these bee | ||||
the best sorte of washinge balls. | ||||
89. To make an oyle to perfume gloves yt will never out. | ||||
Take beniamin 2[Z:], storax calaminte* j [Z:], cloves halfe an ownce, then you | ||||
must |
of sweete allmonds, & minge* them, the beniamin, & storax upon a paynters | ||||
stone, & put a litle of your oyle to it, then put it into an earthen pot with more | ||||
oyle to it, then put in your gloves powdred, & so let it stand verye close, | ||||
& when you perfume a payre of gloves, take a litle fayre water with a | ||||
spoone, & wet your gloves withall thin, then take an other spunge* & dip it | ||||
in your oyle & rube it on your gloves, & then let them drye, & then perfume | ||||
them agayne, & so let them drye, & this is excellent perfume of oyle: & if | ||||
you shoulde put muske or amber gres* in it, it woulde never smell, for ye oyle | ||||
woulde take away ye savour of ye muske cleane, this is pfuming of these glovs. | ||||
90 To make damaske powder sweete. | ||||
Take two or three handfull of rose leaves dryed, twoe carrels* of muske, halfe | ||||
an ownce of cloves, beate all these in fine powder together. | ||||
91. For washinge balls. | ||||
Take sope j lb& a halfe .c. then take of yrios* an ownce, camphire* 2[Z:], storax*, | ||||
beaten very fine, then make it up in balls, take amber gres a quarter, and | ||||
myske*[*] a quarter. | ||||
92. To perfume gloves. | ||||
Take your gloves & washe them well firste in rose water or els in good damaske | ||||
water, then stretch them fayre and softlye out, & lay them in a fayre linen | ||||
cloth to drye, the cloth being folded 8 folde, & when you be sure the rose or da= | ||||
maske water is throughly dryed, then take oyle of allmondes pure & cleane, | ||||
& with that grinde muske upon a fine stone, & with your handes anoynte | ||||
your gloves, & rub them well, & ever stretch them forth a little & a little, | ||||
& before they be throughly dryed, take the powder of sandifor* mixed with | ||||
a little amber gres, & straw your powder finely serced upon them, & so let | ||||
them drye in a close boxe in a sheete of white paper. | ||||
93. A good damaske water. | ||||
Take roseleaves three handfull, of cynamon 5 drames, clove fowre drams, | ||||
bay leaves an handfull, of roses & gillowflowers* an handfull, of marioram | ||||
gentle an handfull, of wilde time an handfull, caste all these into a pottle* | ||||
of rosewater, |
Note: [Z:] is used for an undeciphered quantity symbol; see glossary for explanation
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by RMS and ALB