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Will, Thomas Wise, 2 December 1700, p 2

the same as followeth (That is to say) Imprimis I give & bequeath
to ye poor of ye Greavships* of Allendale Town & Catton ye Sume of ten
pounds ye sd ten pounds being due & secured to me by a bond from
Cuthbert White of Allendale & Thomas Neaven of Haltwistle &
I doe hereby order & appoint my Executrix hereafter mentioned to
deliver ye sd bond to ye Church Wardens of ye sd Greavships within six
days time aft my decease wth Church Wardens & all those that
shall succed them in that Office for ye Greavship aforesd are hereby
required to let out ye sd Ten pound upon good Security at ye annual
Intrest of one shilling p pound & to pay one moiety of ye Intrest that
shall yearly accrue by ye sd Ten pound every year upon Good
Fryday to Five poor Widdows or poor household within ye Greavship
Greavships of Catton & ye oth moiety of ye Annuall increase of ye sd
Ten pounds to Five poor Widdows or households within ye Greaveships
of Allendale Town & I doe order & appoint ye sd Intrest to be paid as
aforesd so long as ye World shall continue. Item I ? order and
appoint for my buriel Expenses Ten pound Item I give and
bequeath to my Hond Frind Mr Tho: Allgood of Hexham two
guineas I give & bequeath to John Robson of Nine Banks one
guinea my walking cane & any one of my books he pleases
to make choyce of; Item I give & bequeath to my son Thomas
Wise one guinea Item I give & bequeath to my son George Wise
one guinea Item I give and & bequeath to my niece Jane Lambert wife
of Richard Lambert of Catton Lee my black mare Item I give &
bequeath to my nephew Richard Lambert of Catton Lee one guinea
Item I give & bequeath to my Godson Mathew Ridley son of George
Ridley of Beltingham Ten shillings my bible & ye book of
Homileyes Item I give & bequeath to my clerk Wm Hewitson
Ten shillings Item I give and bequeath to my servant Elizabeth
Hodgeon for ye pains & care she she took of me in my sickness
the sum of one pound Item I give and bequeath to John Buxton
Servant to Anthony Adamson Ten shillings and six pence
Item I give & bequeath to Jane Hawdon Wife of Wm Hawdon
of Allendale Town ye Sum of Five shillings
Item I give & bequeath to my dear & loveing wife Ann Wise
all ye rest of my personal Estate of what nature & kind
soever ye same be & I doe hereby appoint & ordain her to be
ye Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament & my
pleasure is that if Mr Christoph Barrow pay my Executrix
ye money thats now due to me upon his bond without putting
her to any trouble or charges in ye Law that he shall have
half a years Intrest abated And I doe hereby ordain and

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Transcribed by LF and JW