the same as followeth (That is to say) Imprimis I give & bequeath | ||||
to ye poor of ye Greavships* of Allendale Town & Catton ye Sume of ten | ||||
pounds ye sd ten pounds being due & secured to me by a bond from | ||||
Cuthbert White of Allendale & Thomas Neaven of Haltwistle & | ||||
I doe hereby order & appoint my Executrix hereafter mentioned to | ||||
deliver ye sd bond to ye Church Wardens of ye sd Greavships within six | ||||
days time aft my decease wth Church Wardens & all those that | ||||
shall succed them in that Office for ye Greavship aforesd are hereby | ||||
required to let out ye sd Ten pound upon good Security at ye annual | ||||
Intrest of one shilling p pound & to pay one moiety of ye Intrest that | ||||
shall yearly accrue by ye sd Ten pound every year upon Good | ||||
Fryday to Five poor Widdows or poor household within ye |
Greavships of Catton & ye oth moiety of ye Annuall increase of ye sd | ||||
Ten pounds to Five poor Widdows or households within ye Greaveships | ||||
of Allendale Town & I doe order & appoint ye sd Intrest to be paid as | ||||
aforesd so long as ye World shall continue. Item I |
appoint for my buriel Expenses Ten pound Item I give and | ||||
bequeath to my Hond Frind Mr Tho: Allgood of Hexham two | ||||
Item | ||||
guineas ⁁ I give & bequeath to John Robson of Nine Banks one | ||||
guinea my walking cane & any one of my books he pleases | ||||
to make choyce of; Item I give & bequeath to my son Thomas | ||||
Wise one guinea Item I give & bequeath to my son George Wise | ||||
one guinea Item I give and & bequeath to my niece Jane Lambert wife | ||||
of Richard Lambert of Catton Lee my black mare Item I give & | ||||
bequeath to my nephew Richard Lambert of Catton Lee one guinea | ||||
Item I give & bequeath to my Godson Mathew Ridley son of George | ||||
Ridley of Beltingham Ten shillings my bible & ye book of | ||||
Homileyes Item I give & bequeath to my clerk Wm Hewitson | ||||
Ten shillings Item I give and bequeath to my servant Elizabeth | ||||
Hodgeon for ye pains & care she she took of me in my sickness | ||||
the sum of one pound Item I give and bequeath to John Buxton | ||||
Servant to Anthony Adamson Ten shillings and six pence | ||||
Item I give & bequeath to Jane Hawdon Wife of Wm Hawdon | ||||
of Allendale Town ye Sum of Five shillings | ||||
Item I give & bequeath to my dear & loveing wife Ann Wise | ||||
all ye rest of my personal Estate of what nature & kind | ||||
soever ye same be & I doe hereby appoint & ordain her to be | ||||
ye Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament & my | ||||
pleasure is that if Mr Christoph Barrow pay my Executrix | ||||
ye money thats now due to me upon his bond without putting | ||||
her to any trouble or charges in ye Law that he shall have | ||||
half a years Intrest abated And I doe hereby ordain and |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by LF and JW