is of cookerye. .fo. 55. | ||||
Liber 3. | ||||
Take a cowes udder & seeth* it till it bee tender, then slyce it, & laye it betweene | ||||
onyons, & season it with pepper, & salte, & vorgesse*, & when it is well baked, | ||||
and soked*, serve it forthe. | ||||
59. To preserve oranges in syrrop. | ||||
Let your syrrop wherein you boyle your oranges be boyled to ye full heygth* of a | ||||
syrrop, then put in your oranges, & let them boyle a just* howre, in the same syrrop, | ||||
& let ye syrrop & the oranges be both colde, & then keepe them therein. | ||||
60. To make a tarte of oranges. | ||||
Take oranges & shave them, then lay them in water one nighte, then perboyle* them | ||||
in 4 waters, that done lay them in malmesy* two howres, then take them out from ye | ||||
same, & wringe them harde from it, & strayne it with malmesy & set it on ye fire, | ||||
& put thereunto 2 yelkes* of eggs, cynamon, suger, & a litle rose water. | ||||
61. To make fine knots*, rowles*, cracknells*, & | ||||
rings*, to eate agaynst the colde. | ||||
Take twoe pintes of fayre water, & a pinte of rosewater, then take a quantity | ||||
of very fine flower, & ye yelkes and whites of 6 egges, & good thicke creame, & a | ||||
good deale of fine suger, & if you will a litle cynamon, & worke all these together | ||||
in past, & when your past* is ready wroughte, worke amongst it some annisseeds, | ||||
& fennell seedes, then make it up in ringes, & knots, & set a panne of water over | ||||
the fire, & when it seeth put the rings & knots into the water, & at the firste | ||||
puttinge in they will sinke unto the bottome, & as soone as they rise agayne take | ||||
them up, & set them upon some table to drayne, & when they be dry bake them. | ||||
62. Blaye manger* for them that be sicke. | ||||
Take allmondes & beate them very fine with rose water, & fine suger, & strayne | ||||
it through a fine clothe, & let your stuffe be as thicke as ye stuffe you make | ||||
your creame withall, & put thereunto twoe spoonefull of vergisse*. Agayne | ||||
take blaunched allmonds fine beaten 6 ?, strayne them with rosewater, & | ||||
chickens brothe, & 3 or 4 whites of egges, with a litle grated breade, boyle them | ||||
with a softe fire, & strayne them through a thicke strayner, & season it with | ||||
rose water, & suger, & so dishe it. | ||||
63. To bake calves feete after ye French fashion. | ||||
Boyle the feete firste, & season them with salte, cynamon, & a litle pepper, & | ||||
give them a litle butter, then take parsley & onyons, & put it in amongst them, | ||||
& so close them up, & when they be halfe baked, take them out of the oven, and | ||||
& put a litle vineger & butter into the pye. | ||||
64. To make French pottage*. | ||||
Take the ribbs of mutton, & chop the bones & flesh together, then take carret roots, | ||||
& for lacke of them onyons, & for lack of them hearbes, with a litle cynamon | ||||
and pepper to season it. | ||||
65. To make a banquetting dishe*. | ||||
Take a pinte of creame, & 4 whites of egges well beaten in a dishe, then put it to | ||||
your creame, & boyle them till they be thicke, then strayne it through a lynnen | ||||
clothe, & season it with suger, & rose water, & serve it to the boarde, you maye | ||||
make the same dishe with ye yelkes of eggs if you will. | ||||
To make |
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Transcribed by ALB and RMS