is of cookerye. .fo. 54. | ||||
Liber 3. | ||||
agayne with a quarter of a pownde of suger, & put it in a pot, & set it on the | ||||
fire, & put thereunto a litle salte, & stirre it well that it burne not to ye pot, and | ||||
when it boyleth, take it from the fire, & cast a ladle full of fayre water into the | ||||
pot, & cover it with a fayre dishe, & let it stande, then take a fayre cloth of an | ||||
ell* longe, & let it be holden straighte abroade, & caste the creame upon it, with | ||||
a ladle, & with the ladle drawe under it to drayne the water from the creame, | ||||
that done, draw the creame from the middest of the cloth together, & hange it | ||||
upon a pinne, & so you have creame. | ||||
49. To make cleare gellye. | ||||
Take a cocke of two yeares olde, scalde him, drawe him, & chop him in pieces, | ||||
then take 2 payre of calves feete, & scalde them cleane, & take out ye bones, & still | ||||
them, & take out the fat betweene the clawes, & wash them cleane, & put them | ||||
& the cocke together into a pot of red wine of a gallon, & let them boyle together, | ||||
& skymme them cleane, & when the flesh is tender, try* ye broth from ye same | ||||
through a strayner into a fayre bason, then skymme of the fat cleane, then take | ||||
two cloutes* of tronfall*, & put them into the same broth, if there be a pottle wring | ||||
out the same clouts, & put in di j lb of suger, & a quarter of j lb of tryed* cinamon ser= | ||||
ced* in powder, & put thereunto one ? of cloves & mace, & set all these over the fire | ||||
in a pot, then take the white of 4 egges, & swynge*them together, & put them into | ||||
the pot with halfe a ladle of vineger, & a quantity of salte, but not too much, | ||||
& stirre all these with a ladle twyse or thrise, & then let it runne through a gelly | ||||
bagge into a fayre bason, then take another fayre vessell readye & cleane, then | ||||
put it into the bagge agayne, & so doe until it be fine, then cover it with a cloth, & | ||||
keepe it in the verder*of it, & so put it into a vessell agayne till it be setled, & then | ||||
take fayre blanched allmonds, & plant ye dish with them, & so serve them forthe. | ||||
50. To make an hagges* of allmayne*. | ||||
Take two buts* of mutton, & trye** them well from skynnes & sinnews, & mince it wth | ||||
sewet as small as you can, then take dates, & mince them small allso, then take | ||||
these spices followeinge, 1 ? of currence cleane washed, 1 ? of cynamon, 1 ? of | ||||
ginger, as much pepper, 1 ? of suger with the yelkes of 8 eggs cleane tryed * fro | ||||
the whites, then take fayre white breade grated, & a litle salte, & a portion of | ||||
saffron, trye* all these together, the roule** the sewet & meate in the currence, then | ||||
put them in a dishe, & set them in an hot oven, & when it is baked, serve it in a | ||||
dishe to the table. | ||||
51. To make shorte cakes. | ||||
Take of the finest wheate flower, & put it into an earthen pot, stop it close, and | ||||
put it in an oven & bake it, & when it is baked, it will be full of clods*, & therefore | ||||
you must serce* it through a fine sive, the flower will have as longe bakeinge as | ||||
a pastye of venison, when you have done this, take clouted creame* or old sweet | ||||
butter in steade of the creame, but the creame is best, then take suger, cloves, | ||||
& mace, & saffron, & ye yelkes of egges, for a dowzin* cakes, & put all these fore= | ||||
sayd things together into the creame, & temper* it all together, then put them into | ||||
the flower, & so make your cake, the past* will be very shorte, & therefore you | ||||
must make your cakes very litle, & when you bake them, lay paper under | ||||
them for burninge. | ||||
52. To make Portingall fartes*. | ||||
Take a piece |
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Transcribed by ALB and RMS