The thirde booke, | ||||
Take fayre water, & new yeste, with parsleye, & time, & let them boyle well | ||||
together, & then season them, & put in a litle sweet butter, & a messe* of verges*, | ||||
& pepper, & put in your carpe, & let them boyle together, & then take some | ||||
of the brothe, & put into it a little sweete butter, & suger, & cut sops*, & lay | ||||
your carpe thereon, & put the brothe above, & so serve it forthe. | ||||
43. To make puddings with pigs liver. | ||||
First perboyle* the sayde liver, them stampe** it with 3 spoonefull of creame, then | ||||
strayne it with 2 egges whites yelkes* & all, then put thereunto a quarter | ||||
of a manchet*, grated, & 3 or 4 spoonefull of creame more, with a little suger, | ||||
pepper, saffron, cloves, mace, & a good quantity of beefe suet, & let it bee | ||||
cut to ye quantity of a dye*, & mixte it with a good quantitye of suger. | ||||
44. To stewe larkes. | ||||
Take them & drawe them cleane*, & cut of theire feete, then take a good deale of | ||||
wine in a platter, & take a good deale of marrowe, & put to the wine, & boyle | ||||
them on a chafeingdish* & coales, & let them stewe there a good while, then | ||||
take a quantity of small reasons*, & washe them cleane, & put them into the | ||||
broth with a little suger, cynamon, & a certayne crummes of manchet, & so let | ||||
them stewe together, then cut halfe a dowzin* toastes, & laye them in a platter, & | ||||
put the larkes & broth unto them, & so serve them forthe. | ||||
45. To seeth chickens in lettice. | ||||
Take a necke of mutton with a marrow bone, & seeth it & skimme it cleane, and | ||||
let it boyle well together, & when it is enoughe, take out some of the broth and | ||||
strayne it, & put your chickens into it, then take a good many lettice, whashe | ||||
them cleane, & put them thereunto, then take a little white breade, & strayne it, | ||||
& put it into the pot to thicke it withall, allso put thereunto whole mace, & seaso | ||||
it with pepper, vergesse*, & a little suger, then cut soppes, & lay them in a dishe, | ||||
& put thereunto your marrowe, chickens, & brothe, & so serve it in. | ||||
46. To make small baked meates. | ||||
Take eggs & seethe them harde, then take out the yelkes, & bray* them in a morter, | ||||
& temper* them, & put unto them pepper, saffron, cloves, mace, small reasons, | ||||
allmonds blanches, & shred small, & grated breade, take allso peares sodden in | ||||
ale, braye them & strayne them with ye same licor, & put thereunto bastarde* & | ||||
honye sodden*, then make little coffins**, & set them in ye oven tyll they be hard, then | ||||
take them out agayne, & put ye sayd licor therein, & so serve them forthe. | ||||
47. To make tarts of Portingall* | ||||
Take a quarte of Leipfe* hony, & set it upon the fire, & when it doth seeth, skymme | ||||
it cleane, & put thereunto certayne biskets well serced*, & some powder of clovs | ||||
cynamon, ginger, & annisseeds, let all these be well sod* upon the fire, untill it | ||||
be as thicke as shall be needfull, & for ye past*, take flower as finelye dressed | ||||
as may be, & worke ye same well together, & kneade it not. | ||||
48. To make creame of allmondes. | ||||
Take allmonds & bray them small in a morter, then strayne them through a | ||||
strayner with fayre water, & with thicke milke, & draw them throughe | ||||
agayne with |
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Transcribed by RMS and ALB