.fo. 52 | ||||
is of cookerye. | ||||
Liber 3. | ||||
them coole twoe or three houres, & then put them into pottes. | ||||
28. To preserve quinces in their brothe. | ||||
Take your quinces & cut out ye cores, & save them, then set water on ye fire, & | ||||
put the cores into it with the quinces, whilst the water is colde, & take it fro | ||||
the fire before it seeth, & let them lye in the water before it be full soked, but | ||||
let them not breake, then take them up, & lay them on the boarde with ye holes | ||||
downewarde, & let them lye so downewarde 12 houres to coole, then put them | ||||
into an earthen pot, & strayne the same licor that they were sodden in into | ||||
the same pot, & keepe it close from the ayre, & when you take anye out, | ||||
save the rine* as well as you can | ||||
29. To preserve damsons. | ||||
Take j lb of damsons, & set them in a fayre earthen panne with ye stalkes upwards | ||||
one by an other, & waye halfe a pownd of suger, & beate it fine, & straw it | ||||
upon them, & take 22 peices of cynamon of an inch long & half an inch | ||||
broade, & 11 cloves & pricke them aboute the suger, & put in 11 spoonefull | ||||
of pure rose water, & cover them close with a fayre platter, & set them | ||||
over the embers, & let them preserve very softely even as you can devise, | ||||
that it doe not runne out of the syrrop, & every hand while* take of ye platter, | ||||
& wipe of the dewe that comes fron them, & so let them stewe till they be softe | ||||
above by the stalkes, then take the panne of the fire, & let it then stande till | ||||
it be colde, then put them in a pot, & cover them close. | ||||
30. To make ginger breade. | ||||
Take j lb of suger, 2 ? of cynamon, j ? of ginger, annisseeds, & fennell seeds, | ||||
of each a spoonfull, beate them all to powder, & serce* them well, then take | ||||
a quarter of j lb of allmonds blanched, & beaten in a morter with a litle | ||||
rose water, they must be beaten very small but not grownde, then take them | ||||
out of the morter, & put unto them 2 or 3 spoonefull of ye pouder aforesayd, | ||||
& beate them together till they be stiffe like paste, then take it & moulde it with | ||||
some of the powder, as you would doe past with flower, & spreade it | ||||
abroade in cakes as thinne as you can for breakeinge, & so put then upon | ||||
your moulde, then cut them with a knife or with a iagged* iron, & even as you | ||||
make your cakes, put pouder enough betweene them for stickinge unto | ||||
your moulde, & so put of from the moulde, laye them to drye. | ||||
31. To make syrrop of cherries or damsons. | ||||
Take your cherries or damsons & picke out the stones, & strayne them, but | ||||
put no licor unto them nor water, then put them unto as much suger as you | ||||
shall thinke good, & so set it over the fire, & allwayes stirre it to keepe it fro | ||||
burninge, & let them seeth till they bee very thicke, then put them into a faire | ||||
earthen pot, & when it is colde, cover it & set it up, & when you draw your | ||||
breade, set your pot into the oven, & let it stande there all one nighte, and | ||||
when it is colde, set it up agayne, and doe this twise or thrise* in ye yeare | ||||
for feare of mouldeinge. | ||||
To make |
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Transcribed by RMS and ALB