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Image 099, third book, folio 51a, Receipts 20 (contd) to 24

is of cookerye. .fo. 51
Liber 3.
well, then while it is hot, put it in your boxes, & smoothe it, & put an handfull
of suger upon it when it is colde, it will serve as marmalade.
21. To keepe cherries all ye yeare.
Take the cherries that be full ripe, & the stalke in them, & so put them in a
vessel, of timber eyther firkin* or barrell, & stop the vessel close so that no
ayre enter therein, & so laye it in runninge water, & that will keep them
safe all the yeare: Item take the cherries, & plucke out the stones, drye
them in an oven, & keepe them.
22. To keepe cherries & damsons all ye yeare.
Take 6 lb of cherries the stalkes cut of, & set them in a platter one by an other
the tops downewarde, then take 4 lb of suger well beaten, & strawe it upon
them, & cover them well therewith, then take 3 bricke stones, & laye them like
a trivet, & put hot embers in the middest*, & set the platter of cherries there=
on, & let it boyle fayre & easilye, & when it is full of sirrop, let it boyle
till the third parte be consumed awaye, then take them of the fire, & take a
sawcer full of rosewater, & put a quantitye of cynnamon therein beaten small,
& as much cloves bruised, & when they be somewhat cold, put ye rosewater
with the bruised spice thereunto, & put them in pots & binde them close.
23. A receipte to make conserves of quinces after ye manner
of Spayne, given by Mr Fitz William.
Take 6 or 7 lb of quinces, & twoe gallons & a halfe of fayre water, set it over
the fire till it be through warme, then take ye whites of twoe egges, & put there=
into shells & all, then stirre them aboute with a sticke, & let it stand on the fire
till it cast a greate fome or skymme*, then take of the skymme, & put thereunto
5 lb of suger, & let it stand until it be molten & a little space after, & then take
it of from the fire, & let it runne through a wollen bagge or cloth of cotton, &
then your quinces cleane pared & coored, set them on the fire the space of an
howre & an halfe, then take them of & strayne them in a bagge of canvas wa=
ter & all, & set them on the fire agayne, & let them seeth the space of 2 howres
& a halfe, & stirre them well all that while, with a sticke with a broad end, & to
knowe when it is enoughe, lay it on a board or boxe, & if it come cleane of, it
is enoughe.
24. To preserve quinces.
Take 30 quinces, pare them & coore them with a little knife, & lay them in fayre
water, & then take for every ? of quinces j lb of suger at the least if they be
greate or rather more, & for every 10 quinces a gallon of running water, and
set it on a softe fire of cleane coales, that there be no smoke, & put in your suger
after the number of your quinces as afore sayde, & take 4 whites of egges, and
beate them in a dish with a spoone, & put them into the same water, & wth a sticke
all to cut & jagged stirre the same sirrop a good while, & make it seeth softly, and
then skymme of the skymme that shall arise, & then you shall see that it will
caste no more skymme, then take it of the fire, & strayne it through halfe a yard
of cotton white such as your Ipocrasse* bags be made of, & let it runne into an
other fayre panne, & in the meane time while that your syrrop is thus a

Note: {unknown} is used for an undeciphered quantity symbol; see glossary for explanation

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Transcribed by ALB and RMS