The thirde booke, | ||||
the palsye, & if one spoonefull of this be given to a man or woman laboringe | ||||
towards death, it reviveth them. * Item of all waters artificiall there is | ||||
no better: In summer use one spoonefull in the morninge once a week fasteing, | ||||
and in winter twoe spoonefulls. | ||||
17. To make aquavite* | ||||
Fill a pot full of cleare red wine, & put thereunto ye powder of caniell, which | ||||
is cynamon, gellofyre*, ginger, peritur*, nutmegs, gallingall, spikenard*, maces, | ||||
quibibis*, graynes*, dei parris*, parslye, sage, minte, calaminte*, longe pepper*, | ||||
blacke pepper, carrawaye, cyromontayne*, commen*, fennell seeds, smallage*, | ||||
horehownde*, of each a drame more or lesse, as you have, still** all these in a | ||||
lymbecke* with a softe fire, & |
ayre get out, & make your fire of coale, & reforme the water out of yowre | ||||
lymbecke into a vessell of glasse. * This water is called the water of | ||||
life, it hath all the nature & kinde of balmewater, it is good for very many | ||||
evills in man & woman, which is now too long to write. [??]pties of balme water. | ||||
18. To conserve damsons. | ||||
Take damsons & put them in a panne without any licor, but onelye of them= | ||||
selves, & make a softe fire under them, & stirre them well untill they bee so | ||||
boyled that the skinne goe of, & they consumed from the stones, then strayne | ||||
them through a coollender*, & take the like quantity of suger as of your stuffe, | ||||
then boyle them agayne till they waxe stiffe, & if it please you, you may put | ||||
into it the powder of cloves, cynamon, & ginger (for sicke folke it is better | ||||
without the powders) then put it into boxes to coole, & take it to your use. | ||||
19. To conserve quinces. | ||||
Take quinces pare* them & coore them, & seeth them in water till them be tender, | ||||
then take them out of the water, & stampe* them,& strayne them throughe a | ||||
strayner, then take as much suger as the quantity of your stuffe cometh unto, | ||||
& set it upon a fire of coales, & stirre it well for burninge, & when it waxeth | ||||
thicke, put thereunto cynamon, & suger, & put it out in boxes, & so let it coole. | ||||
20. To conserve cherries, & all manner plomes*. | ||||
Take 2 lb of cherries or more, picke of the stalkes, &search out all yt is pished* | ||||
& put the purest into a fayre earthen panne without |
over a softe fire to seethe, & allwayes bruise them with a sticke flat at the end, | ||||
till them be sodden, so that they may be strayned, then take them of, & set them | ||||
by a while till they be colde, then strayne them as neare as you can, & put | ||||
them into an earthen |
as sweete as you will have it, then set it on the fire agayne till it bee verye | ||||
thicke, & stirre it for burninge, & to knowe when it is stiffe enough, lay some | ||||
of it on the bottome of a sawcer, & if it come of without any sticking, it is | ||||
well, then |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by RMS and ALB