is of cookerye. fo. 50. | ||||
Liber 3. | ||||
your past of wafers, & streeke* it abroade as even as you can, & pinch ye stuf | ||||
aboute, as though there were an edge thereupon, & then put a paper under it, | ||||
& set it on a fayre boarde, & lay a latten* bason over it, the bottome upwards, | ||||
& then lay burning coales upon the bottome of the bason, & sometimes lifte up | ||||
the bason to see how it baketh, & then if it happen to be browne, or to burne too | ||||
fast in some places, lay papers as broade as the place is upon it, & thus wth | ||||
tending you shall bake one in a quarter of an howre, & when it is baked, put | ||||
on your golde, & by skets*, & sticke in longe comfictes**, but or ever you bake | ||||
it, you must cast on fine sugar, & rose water, & ye will make it to crushe | ||||
like yse*. | ||||
14. To make rosa solis* water. | ||||
Take a gallon of the best aquacomposita* you |
glasse, & put thereunto a pottle* of the hearbe called rosa solis well picked, & | ||||
set it in the sunne 3 or 4 dayes being close stopte, then take an ? cynamon | ||||
bruised, i ? of ginger bruised, a quarter of i ? of whole mace, 3 spoonefuls | ||||
of annisseeds bruised, two stickes of licoris scraped & bruised, i lb of white su= | ||||
gar candye, 20 dates cut in small peices, & put them into an other gallon glas, | ||||
& put thereunto your aquacomposita strayned from the rosa solis, & so let it | ||||
stand till you have an occasion to occupye it. | ||||
15. Doctor Stephen his water. | ||||
Take a gallon of good Gascoigne wine, then take ginger, gallingall*, cynamon, | ||||
nutmegs, cloves, annisseedes, fennell seede, carraway seede, of every of them | ||||
like much (1) a drame, then take sage, redmints*, roses, time, pellitorye of the | ||||
wall, rosemarye, wilde time, cammamyll, & the flowers of small lavender, & for | ||||
lacke of the flowers take ye leaves, of each of these an handfull, bray* ye spices | ||||
small, & stampe* the hearbes likewise, & put them all into ye wine, & let it stand | ||||
so 12 howres, stirring it divers times, & then still it by a lymbecke*, and keep the | ||||
first water by it selfe, for it is best, then keepe the second water, for it is good, | ||||
but not so good as the firste. | ||||
16. Aqua mirabilis, et praetiosa*. | ||||
Take gallingall*, cloves, quibibis*, ginger, melilot*, cardimonia*, mace, & nutmegs, | ||||
of each a drame, & of the juice of Sellendine* 4 ?, & mingle all these powders | ||||
with this juice, in a pinte of aquavitae* & 3 pints of good white wine, & put | ||||
all these together in a still of glasse, & let it stand so all nighte, & on the | ||||
morrowe still it with an easye fire. | ||||
This water is of a secret nature, it dissolveth the lungs without any grievace, | ||||
it conserveth youth in her estate, it expelleth venime* mightelye, & profiteth | ||||
the stomacke very muche, it healeth & comforteth ye lunges mightely being | ||||
wounded or perished, & suffereth not the bloude to putrifie, but multipliethe | ||||
the same into a greate quantitye, that allmost you shall never neede to bee | ||||
let bloude, it suffereth not the bloud to be brente*, nor melancholy to arise, | ||||
nor to have domination above nature, it gendreth a good coloure, preserveth | ||||
the beautye from blemish & witherednes, it keepeth memory, & destroyeth | ||||
the palsye, | ||||
Note: {unknown} is used for an undeciphered quantity symbol; see glossary for explanation
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Transcribed by ALB and RMS