The thirde booke,. | ||||
a very tractable fire underneath the pot, for burning to with small coales, | ||||
if your pot be 3 gallons, take an handfull of the best annisseeds bruised, m. of | ||||
licoris cleane scraped & beaten in a mortar, & di m. of coriander seed, di m. of | ||||
cynamon bruised, 4 parsly rootes, 3 fennell rootes, 3 striggs* of time, 3 striggs | ||||
of hysop, 3 striggs of sweete marioram, slyppe* of 3 leaves of carduus bene= | ||||
dictus*, & 2 leaves of hartes tongue*, washe ye striggs & leaves cleane, and | ||||
put them into the pot with the other earbes, & stirre them well together with the | ||||
leese*, & cover it with a platter, the fire being under, & looke well to it, and | ||||
stirre it with a flat sticke till it bee come, then take of the cover, & put on the | ||||
still heade*, & stop it close with ryemeale**, & put fayre water in ye toppe of | ||||
your still or limberke*, and as it heateth, so take it out, & put in colde. | ||||
10. To make sweete water. | ||||
Take a pecke* & an halfe of red roses, halfe a pecke of lavender, & put them | ||||
into a wine gallon* pot being filled full of running water, then put into it 3 ? | ||||
of orris*, j ? of cloves, di j ? of beniamin*, & 3 graynes of muske, & let it | ||||
stand in the same gallon pot for 24 howres, the pot being very close stopte, & once | ||||
in 3 or 4 howres stirre & shake the confection that is in the pot, & at the ende | ||||
of 24 howres take as muche of the same confection as will fill youre still, & | ||||
this so stilled will make a very sweete water. | ||||
11. To make a cawdell* of oatemeale. | ||||
You muste first seeth in your beere or ale iermander*, unset* hyssop, & marygolds, | ||||
all which three together must be to ye quantity of one handfull, then put thereunto | ||||
English saffron, butter, & suger, mace, & nutmegs. | ||||
12. To make ipocrasse*. | ||||
Take of cynamon 2 drams, chosen ginger halfe a drame, long pepper, cloves, | ||||
graynes*, nutmegs, & gallingalls*, of each two drams, mingle them together, | ||||
& put them in a glass with 9 ? of aquavite*, & stop the glasse with waxe | ||||
so close that no manner ayre enter in, & then shake it together 4 times every | ||||
howre for the space of 12 howres, & then let it alone without any moveing by | ||||
the space of 2 dayes or more at the leaste, & so keepe it while you shall have | ||||
neede, & when you will use it, put 4 drops at the least of ye sayd confection | ||||
into a pinte of wine well delitious* with white suger, & so is made ipocrasse** | ||||
13. To make a marchpayne*. | ||||
Take j lb of long small allmondes, & blaunch them in colde water, then take a cloth | ||||
& dry them as drye as you can, & stampe* them small, & put no licor to them but | ||||
as you must needes to keepe them from oyleinge*, & that small licor you must put | ||||
in, must be rosewater, in manner you must but wet your pessell* end, for feare | ||||
of puttinge in too much licor, & when you have beaten them fine, then take di j lb | ||||
of suger, & let it be beaten small into powder, it must be small suger, then put it | ||||
unto your allmonds, & beate them together, & when they be beaten, take youre | ||||
wafers, cut them in compas rownde, or in what other fashion you lyste*, & | ||||
then as soone as you can after the tempering of your stuffe, let it be put upo | ||||
your past of |
Note: {unknown} is used for an undeciphered quantity symbol; see glossary for explanation
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by RMS and ALB