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Image 091, folio 47a, Index of the first and second books, C to O

and seconde bookes.
.fo. 47.
For the dry Coughe: 37.b. For roughnes in the Handes & face:
For the perilous Coughe: 21.b. 37.b. To make Softe Handes, & fayre: 32.a.
For ye cough in ye lungs: 39.a. et b. For stifnes in the Handes, &c: 32.a.
For the Crampe: 26.a. 33.a. To remove superfluous Hayre: 40.b.
D. For wormes in the Handes: 26.b.
For Deafenes: 22.a. 27.a. alias ibid. For a broke Heade: 27.a.
37.a. alias ibid. For colde of ye Heade: 27.a.
To make Diaculum*: 23.b. For ye megrime*, &c: in the Heade: 16.b.
Agaynste ye Dropsye: 19.a. 21.b.
E. For payne in the Heade: 11.a.
For chafeinge behind ye Eares: 40.a. To purge the Heade: 43.a.
For the Emraldes*: 40.a. 18.a. 31.a. For the scalde* Heade: 41.b.
If the paps of ye Emralds be greate: I.
31.a. For the blacke Iaundise*: 16.b.
For ye fallinge Evill: 39.a. For the yellowe Iaundise: 29.a.
To destroy 15 Evills in man or woma: An Implayster* of bay berryes: 23.b.
38.a. For an Imposthume*: 17.a. 38.b.
For the megrime* in the Eyes: 11.a. To make the Imposthume bagge come
For sore Eyes: 16.b. 25.a. alias 3 ibid. upwarde: 38.b.
36.b. 37.a. 46.a. For an Itche: 26.a. alias ibid. 28.a.
F. K.
For an high coloured Face: 22.a. 26.a. To kill Kyrnells:* 32.b. alias ibid.
43.b. 44.a. L.
For blasteinge* of the Face: 28.b. Laxatives: 33.a. et b.
For pymples in the Face: 28.b. For sore Legs: 32.a. alias ibid. 36.a.
For the wenne* in the Face: 45.b.
To withstand colde takeinge in ye Feet: For ye Liver: 26.a. 38.b. alias 2 ibid.
44.b. To make pottage for ye Lunges: 37.a.
For a Fellon*: 15.b. alias ibid. 17.b. 24.b. M.
alias ibid. 28.b. For Malancholye*: 43.a.
For a Fistula in a womans breast: 36.b. For wormes, &c: in the Mawe*: 37.b.
To breake Fleame*: 16.a. alias ibid.
To stop ye Fluxe*: 33.b. A Medicine of Mr Baltrope: 44.b.
To know whether one haveinge ye Fluxe For the Megrime*: 24.b.
may live or not: 22.a. To restore a nurses Milke, if shee
For the bloudye Fluxe: 13.a. 40.b. bee drye: 37.b.
To stop ye bloudy Fluxe: 13.a. 33.b. To drive the Morpheye* from the in=
For ye falling of ye Fundament: 44.b. warde parts: 16.a.
For the Mother in women: 39.b.
G. For a sore Mouth: 17.a. 37.a. 38.b.
A Glister*: 17.b. 41.b. N.
For the Goute: 14.b. 15.a. 21.b. 32.b. To make Narbon: 34.a.
alias 3 ibid. 33.a. 42.a. O.
To know whether the Goute be hot or To make Oyle of Allmonds: 19.b. 20.b.
colde: 32.b. To make ye Oyle of Exetor*: 20.b.
H. A receipt of ye Oyle hypericon*: 45.a.
To make

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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by ALB and RMS