The seconde booke. .fo.46. | ||||
Liber 2. | ||||
Take twoe quartes of claret wine, & one quarte of sallet oyle*, stirre them | ||||
well together, then set them on the fire, then take terra sigillata*, & scrape | ||||
it into it as you would doe suger into mustard to make sawce, & then let | ||||
them boyle together till it rise in bubbles, then drop it as hot upon the | ||||
wounde or sore as the patient can suffer it, & if it neede tentinge* dip a | ||||
tente* into it, & dip three linnen cloths in it, & lay them one upon another, | ||||
& some fine towe* upon the clothes, & so binde it up. | ||||
365. An excellent medicine for the eyes. | ||||
Take a newe layde egge, then take the white & put it into a fayre porringer*, | ||||
& beate it with a spoone till there rise a great froth on it & begin to p[u?]rge, then | ||||
let it stand, & then take a spoonefull of honye, & put it in a goode bigge friute[?] | ||||
dishe, & boyle it on the fire, & skymme it so long as any skymme will rise | ||||
on it, then take a spoonefull of good oyle, but first take it from ye fire then put | ||||
in your oyle & allso a spoonefull of white rose water, if you can get it, if | ||||
not the oyle will serve if neede be, & when it is bloude warme, then take of | ||||
the scome* of the white of the egge, & under it will be a cleare water, then | ||||
put that into the hony allso, & stirre them well together, then put it into a vi= | ||||
all glasse, & when you shall use it, put one drop into the sore eye at even and | ||||
morne, &c: it healeth the pynne & webbe* & taketh away the pearle in ye eye | ||||
if it be taken betimes: or healeth any wound or stripe in the eye: Allso if they | ||||
be excessive red put out a spoonefull into a spoone, then take fine flaxe & wet | ||||
it well in it, & at even lay it on the eye, & by Gods grace it shall be well in | ||||
two or three times dressinge, &c. | ||||
366. To make rosa solis*. | ||||
Take a pottle* or a quarte of aquacomposita*, & according to the quantity of | ||||
your glasse, & as much of the hearbe rosa solis, a quantity of the crops with | ||||
the flowers of rosemarye, a quantity of lungworte, a quantity of liverwort, | ||||
certayne leaves of hartes tongue, & cut away the ribb, a quantity of winter | ||||
savery, halfe a douzen dates of the best cleane pickte & sliced, |
reasons* of the sun. the stones taken out, halfe an ownce of annisseedes bruised, | ||||
di j ? of ginger of the best cleane scrapte & bruised, di j ? of licoris cleane | ||||
scrapte & bruised, di j ? of cloves, di j ? of nutmegs bruised to powder, | ||||
jd of cinamon bruised, 2 d of large maces, halfe lb of fine white suger bea= | ||||
ten to powder, your spices beate to powder, & your hearbes (saveing your | ||||
rosa solis) shred, put all together in a gallon glasse, then poure thereinto | ||||
your aquacomposita, that your hearbes & your spices be covered therewith, | ||||
then straw* your powdred sugar thereon, then your glasse covered close, set | ||||
it in the sunne nine dayes. | ||||
367. To make aqua composita.* | ||||
Take 3 gallons of good ale, 8 ? of annisseeds, 3 ? of corriander seeds, 2 ? of | ||||
carraway or fennell seeds, 2 ? of gallingall*, halfe a pound of licoris, & an | ||||
handfull of wormewoode, the first quarte is aquacomposita, ye seconde a | ||||
quarte of aquavitae*, & the last two pintes of white water that muste be | ||||
stilled agayne. | ||||
heere endeth |
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Transcribed by ALB and RS