kind of information on the subject in | Coalition has now taken place between the | |||
our power to procure, & I hope the more | Magistrates & Hexham Committee, so that | |||
he is acquainted with every circumstance | they will no longer act separately. I can say | |||
relating to the whole of this transaction | nothing positive at this time with respect to | |||
the less we have to apprehend any difference | your coming up, but if it shd prove to be | |||
in opinion between him and Mr. Smeaton, | necessary it will be in about a fortnight | |||
the latter does not appear in the least doubt | whatever I hear of consequence I will communi- | |||
-ful of the ground he has taken. I have had | -cate to you & beg of you to do the same | |||
a good deal of conversation with him lately, | I remain Hn. Er. Your much oblig’d | |||
in which he has at least to my thorough con- | St James’s Obedient Humble Sernt | |||
-viction, done away every species of objection | April 16 1783 Heny Errington | |||
that can be urg’d against the evidence he gave | Mr Wallace set out for Bristol some | |||
in the Committee, & should Mylne differ in | weeks ago in a very bad state of health | |||
opinion, he appears no ways doubtful of victory | but I have the pleasure to hear he is much | |||
in the contest that will ensure, which Contest | better & I hope in a way to recover, he is to be | |||
however I hope & believe will not take place. | Atts Genl* certainly. your extract from the | |||
I am perfectly satisfy’d that we are right in every | Sessions book is safe in the hands of the Com.[?] | |||
step we have taken, & that the manner in which | Clerk. | |||
the bill is drawn is Wise. I suppose a kind of |
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Transcribed by PF and KS