The seconde booke. | ||||
annyseeds, of each 3 ?, then take one gallon & a quarte of white wine, & as | ||||
much running water, & put your druggs so bruised into it, & let them infuse | ||||
12 howres, in your dyet pot* being close covered, & stopped with clay, then set | ||||
your pot to boylinge in a greate kettle of water, & so let it continue seething* | ||||
24 howres with a softe fire, then take it of, & beinge colde, strayne it into some | ||||
vessell, & then put into it of methredatum* 2 ℥s, & so is your drinke finished. | ||||
An order how to dresse these druggs: you must parte the salsa pilla* in the | ||||
middest,* or in 4 quarters, then cut it in small pieces, ye cortex gracum** must be | ||||
powdered in a morter, not too small, ye saxifrage must be cut into thinne & | ||||
in ye eyes: pymples in the nose | ||||
Take of sage, sellendine, eiebrighte, planten, tutson, knotgrasee, fennell, egri= | ||||
monye, hearbegrace*, marygoldes, & woodbinde leaves, of each an handfull, | ||||
seeth all these together, in a pottle of white wine, or cleare running water | ||||
till halfe be consumed, then take out the hearbes, & put into ye licor sixe | ||||
spoonefull of honye, & 3 ? of roche allome*, & let it stande a little while, and | ||||
when it is cleared, strayne it, & keepe it close stopt all the yeare, then for the | ||||
eye drop it in thrise in a daye, & for a wounde, or for a canker, washe it | ||||
twice a daye: & by Gods grace it will helpe. | ||||
363. For a white scall.* | ||||
Take j id of white ginger, grated, 1 j id of pepper beaten, a peice of sweete butter | ||||
unsalted, & ye yolke of an egge rosted but not harde, mingle these well toge= | ||||
ther, & anoynte the scall therewith, & it will helpe. Probatum est*. | ||||
364. An excellent unguentum or salve to heale | ||||
any ulcer, or any sore legge, &c. | ||||
Take twoe |
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Transcribed by RMS and ALB