The seconde booke. .fo.45. | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
be in a manner consumed: & you shall knowe it by takeing from ye bottome | ||||
of the panne a spoonefull of oyle, if you see no water nor wine in ye bottom | ||||
of the spoone, the wine is cleane consumed, then take it from the fire, and | ||||
strayne it through a cleane clothe, betweene 2 staves, & keepe it in a vessel | ||||
of tinne or glasse, for no other thinge will holde it, & use it accordinge | ||||
to your discretion, for it is a good thinge. | ||||
356. A receipte of the oyle hypericon, called | ||||
in English St Johns worte. | ||||
Take 8 pintes of old oyle oliffe*, 2 like pints of the best white wine you can | ||||
get, 8.m. of the buds of St Johns worte, which you shall bruise in an ali= | ||||
baster mortar, & with the sayd wine & oyle put them in a glasse stopinge | ||||
it very close, so that no ayre get in, settinge it in the sunne two dayes, then | ||||
you must boyle it in a cawdron, or pot of fayre water, such as your glasse | ||||
will goe easilye into, & stuffe it well with haye, that it stirre not in ye boyleinge, | ||||
after it hath boyled half an howre, strayne the oyle through a cleane cloth, and | ||||
put new fresh buds of ye sayd St Johns worte to the quantity aforesayde, | ||||
this must be done 3 times, puttinge it in ye sunne, after every boylinge as | ||||
afore, then after ye third boyling, strayne the same very hard, & measure it | ||||
& put to every wine pinte 12 ? of venice turpentine*, of the clearest & whi= | ||||
test yt may be gotten, 6 ? of the oyle of allmonds, dictamo*, gentianum, turme= | ||||
tilla, calamo Arematico, carlina, cardo sancto*, of each of these three drames, of | ||||
red earth wormes 4 ? slit & often washed in good white wine, you must beat | ||||
all the rest in a morter, but not the wormes, then put all together into the | ||||
oyle aforesayde, putting allso to every pinte 3 [S] of English saffron whole | ||||
then put heerein likewise two good handfull of fresh St Johns worte budds | ||||
bruised: so being mixed together, you must set it in ye sonne for the space | ||||
of 40 dayes, or in an oven when the bread is drawne, after that you must | ||||
strayne it into a glasse bottle or viall, well closed up, & so keepe it for the | ||||
elder it is, the better it is, & more wholesome it will be, looke what quantity | ||||
you make under these 8 pyntes, take of every particuler according to your | ||||
oyle olliffe, or rather more then lesse of your St Johns buddes. | ||||
357. The vertue of this oyle. | ||||
It is hot & drye, it maketh sounde, it healeth all wounds in short time, yea ye | ||||
sinews being cut: It is good for any burne with fire, it easeth marvelously ye | ||||
passion of the stomacke, payne of the bladder, & lower partes of the bellye, | ||||
& thighes: It provoketh urine, it is very good for wormes in children, for | ||||
the gowte in the handes, which is the palsie, & for deafenes. | ||||
358. A medicine for a burne. | ||||
Take the rootes of ferne, washe them & scrape them very cleane, & stampe the, | ||||
& when they be stamped very fine, put thereunto a quantity of thick creame, | ||||
worke them together, then strayne it & lay it upon a cleane cloth good and | ||||
thicke, & so lay it unto ye burne, & channge it twise a day. Probatum est. | ||||
359. A most pretious & soveraigne drinke agaynst any | ||||
infections as well to be used for ye sound & sicke, & | ||||
to be taken eyther at ye springe or fall. | ||||
Take salsa pilla 4 ?, colloquintida 2 ?, sene epetium 4 ?, cortex gnacu* di i lb, | ||||
saxifrage 2 ?, licoris 4 ?, bruise all these together, then take commyn, & | ||||
annisseeds, of |
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Transcribed by ALB and RMS