The Seconde Booke Fo. 44. | ||||
Liber 2. | ||||
or els in a panne of water, but first apply your pot, & put thereunto di j lb | ||||
of white or yellow waxe, which you will, & a pynt of sallot* oyle or butter. | ||||
345. A medicine for the heate in ones face. | ||||
Take.m. strawberrye leaves, to cover ye bottome of your still, a pinte | ||||
of creame, & a quarte of strawberries, 6 slices of raw beefe leane & | ||||
new killed, 2 ? of camfry, halfe a quarter of one ? of white maccary*: | ||||
lay upon the strawberry leaves one lare* of beefe, one lare of creame, | ||||
& so of the strawberries, camfrye*, & maccarye*: they must be stilled** with | ||||
a very softe fire, & ye water set in the sunne ten dayes before it bee | ||||
used: the pty must first be let bloude in ye liver vayne, & purged. | ||||
346. An excellent water made wth mercury sublimatum* | ||||
for to heale newe & old sores, & allso to kill ye itche | ||||
ringwormes, & tetters*, & such like. | ||||
Take a pottle* of running water, & set it on ye fire, cover it close, & be sure yt | ||||
no ashes or duste get into it, let it seeth* as you thinke tyll di a pinte be con= | ||||
sumed, then pull it somewhat backe, that it may seeth but softly, and putte | ||||
thereunto di j ? of mercury sublimatum*, & be sure you put it into a white | ||||
paper 3 or 4 folde, & beate it very small, & then put it into ye water, as afore= | ||||
sayde, & stirre it continually all the while it seetheth, & whilst you put it in, | ||||
stirre it allso in every place, & let it seeth half a quarter of an houre after ye | ||||
mercury is put into the water, & then take it from the fire, & when it is through | ||||
colde, skym of that which you shall finde uppermost, & put the water into a | ||||
glasse, & when you neede to use it, make it lukewarme, & with a cloth wash | ||||
the sore place, & lay the wet cloth to it 3 or 4 double, & so dresse ye sore 3 or 4 | ||||
times in a daye, as you shall see cause, & if you will have the water very strong, | ||||
then you must let the water seeth more before you put in ye mercury, and also more | ||||
after it is put in, this water hath done marveilous* greate cures. | ||||
347. For the roughnes in face & handes, | ||||
& to smooth the skinne. | ||||
Take di j ? of very good mercury sublimatum finely folded up 3 or 4 double in | ||||
a white paper, & beaten to powder very fine with an iron pestle, & then put it | ||||
into a pottle of colde runninge water in a glasse, & shake it well together, & | ||||
in the morninge wash your face & your hands with it, for it will smoothe the | ||||
roughnes, & clense the skinne: In the evening you may doe the like, or when you | ||||
thinke best: I take ye eveninge to be best when you goe to bed: when you make | ||||
these waters with mercury, put on your gloves, for it is dangerous to handle | ||||
it, before it be mingled with the water, & let it not touche any golde ring, for | ||||
it will marre the coloure of it. Probatum est.* | ||||
348. For the spleene. | ||||
Take cammamill, & May butter*, & boyle it in your owne water, & bath your side | ||||
with clothes halfe an howre, then take the oyle of caperres*, & anoynte your | ||||
side. | ||||
For the |
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Transcribed by ALB and RMS