The seconde booke fo.42 | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
& so after it take an other spoonefull. [?] the third spoonefull, withe | ||||
some broth as afore, & ride abroade the nexte daye after it. | ||||
323. A medicine for ye stone. | ||||
Take the oyle of scorpions, & radish leaves chopt small, then stampe them | ||||
together in a mortar, & applye it to the side, where the payne lyeth. | ||||
324. Another medicine for ye stone. | ||||
Take an hare that is strangled in an harepipe*, & dry her in an oven till | ||||
shee be dryed to powder, then beate it in a mortar, and finely serced*, drinke | ||||
thereof in some white wine, or ranishe* wine. | ||||
325. An other for the same. | ||||
Take white wine & make it very hot, & when your wine is hot, take a good | ||||
quantity of suger, & 3 spoonfull of sallet* oyle, put all these into a cup, then | ||||
take an other cup & burne them together, & drinke this drinke, & it shall | ||||
remove the stone from ye backe, & it will cause you to avoyde it. | ||||
326. A posset* to cause one to make water. | ||||
Take a pinte of ranish wine, & a pinte of ale, make a posset thereof with a | ||||
quarte of milke, & when your drinke is made, take an handfull of mallows, | ||||
an handfull of cammamyll*, an handfull of pellitorye of the wall**, & a spoone- | ||||
full of licoris beaten to powder, & a spoonefull of annisseeds beaten to powder, | ||||
& put all these into the possit drinke, & boyle all these together, & drinke of | ||||
the posset drinke as oft as you shall see cause warme. | ||||
327. To cause one to make water presentlye. | ||||
Take halfe a pinte of ranishe wine, & strayne the quantity of an hasel* | ||||
nut of raltels* sope** into it, & warme it, & drinke thereof, & you shall finde | ||||
greate ease. | ||||
328. A medicine for the gowte. | ||||
Take a quarter of j lb of rosen*, as much deares sewet* as an egge, as much | ||||
waxe as halfe an egge, boyle all these upon the fire continually stirring them | ||||
with a sticke, until they be perfectly mixed, then powre* ye same into a ba- | ||||
sin, or boll* of water, & as soone as you are able to endure it for heate, take | ||||
it out of the water & worke it before the fire, with your hands till all ye water | ||||
be wrunge out of it, & so make it in rowles* untill you need to use it, & then | ||||
it is to be spreade upon a browne paper, & lay it to the place where you | ||||
feele ye griefe, & let it lye there 24 houres, the deares sewet will be ye better | ||||
if it be clarified with rose water. | ||||
329. A receipte to strengthen ye backe. | ||||
Take a pottle* of morning milke, & boyle it in ye brisket piece of a breast of | ||||
mutton, take white comfry, knot grasse, bursa pastoris*, & wild red bryar | ||||
leaves, of each halfe an handfull, 14 wilde dayse* roots, boyle all these | ||||
together with the mutton, till half be consumed, then strayne ye milke | ||||
from the meate & the hearbes, & let ye patient drinke a good draught of it | ||||
warme in ye |
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Transcribed by ALB and RS