The seconde booke fo.41 | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
312. An excellente medicine for all manner of sores. | ||||
Take rozen*, & perrozen*, of each di j lb, virgin waxe*, frankencense, of | ||||
each a quarter of j lb, camphire* j ?, of hartesuite** a quarter of j lb, of masticke* | ||||
j ?, melt that is to be melted, & pownd that is to be pownded, & finely | ||||
serced*, boyle them over ye fire, & strayne them through a linnen cloth into | ||||
a pottle* of white wine, then boyle all together, & let them coole till they | ||||
be bloudwarme, then put thereunto a quarter of j lb of turpentine, ever | ||||
stirring it till it be through colde, beware your stuffe be no hotter then | ||||
bloud when you put in your turpentine, for if it be hotter, it marreth* all | ||||
your stuffe: & so make it up in rowles, & keepe it for ye best salve that ever | ||||
was made. This entreate* is called flos unguentorum*, for it is good | ||||
for all maladies hereunder written:(1) for old wounds it is most clesing | ||||
& well sokeinge: it engendreth* fleshe, & healeth more in one seavennighte** | ||||
then any other in a month: it suffereth no corruption in a wound: it eateth | ||||
out all the deade flesh: it is allso good for ye head ache, for ye singeing in the | ||||
braynes, for all manner imposthumes* in any pson, for boyling in ye eares: | ||||
it helpeth sinewes yt be spronge*, shronke*, or starte*, it draweth out broken | ||||
bones: it helpeth ye fluxe menstruous* if it be layde to a womans navell, & to | ||||
conclude, it is ye best salve in ye worlde for anye outward thing: for it helpeth | ||||
all aches within ye body & without: as ye payne in the liver, splene, & raignes*: | ||||
it helpeth the gowte, all manner of aches. This medicine did much good | ||||
in Almayne*, from where it first came. | ||||
313. To make ye balme* water | ||||
Take 2 gallons of very good strong ale when it is ready to turne, & set it a | ||||
stype* over nighte with 3 lb of balme, j lb of licoris** finely sliced, j lb of annisseeds** | ||||
bruised in a mortar, then still* it with a very softe fire, & let your limbeke** | ||||
be stopt* very close with rye paste. | ||||
314. To make rosemary water. | ||||
You must use this water in all poynts as you doe your balme water: but in | ||||
stead of balme you must take j lb di of rosemary flowes*, tops, & all, as much | ||||
red mints*, you must laye some brickes or wayghts upon ye cover of your | ||||
lymbecke, or else the strength of your water will burst it open, you must | ||||
keepe the bodye of your limbecke very temperate with wet clothes*, and | ||||
keepe colde water in the toppe. | ||||
315. To make cynamon* water. | ||||
Take 3 pintes of ye best sacke*, 4 ? of sinamon* bruised**, one nutmeg bruised, a | ||||
pinte of damaske* |
24 howres, then still it in a limbecke, & take of the first water a pynte, | ||||
which is the beste, & of the seconde an other pynte. | ||||
316. To make cynamon water an other waye. | ||||
Take a gallon of Gascoigne* wine, j lb of very good sinamon bruised, j lb of the | ||||
finest sugar, & an handfull of borrage flowers, an handfull of rosemarye | ||||
flowers picked from the greene huske, an handfull of red rose leaves the | ||||
white being |
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Transcribed by YR and KW