The seconde booke. | ||||
305. For the bloudye fluxe*. | ||||
Take a pinte of the best red wine, & seeth* it, & put thereunto cinamon, some | ||||
beaten & some whole, wth a little suger, & drinke of this morning & eveninge. | ||||
306. A proved water for the stone*. | ||||
Take a gallon of newe milke of a red cowe, & put thereunto a handfull | ||||
of pellitorye of the wall*, an handfull of wilde time, an handfull of saxifrage*, | ||||
an handfull of parsley, 2 or 3 radishe roots sliced, a quantity of ye rootes of | ||||
phylipendula*, & let them lye in the milke all ye nighte, & in the morninge | ||||
put the milke with the hearbes into a still, & distill them with a moderate fire | ||||
of charre cole* or such like : This is an approved medicine for ye stone. | ||||
307. The order to use the sayde* water. | ||||
Take a draughte of ranishe* wine, or for wante thereof white wine, & put | ||||
into it 5 spoonefull of the distilled water, with a litle suger, & nutmegs | ||||
sliced, & then drinke of it, the next day meddle not with it, but ye third daye | ||||
doe as you did afore, & so every third day for a weekes space. Probatum est*. | ||||
308. To remove superfluous hayre*. | ||||
Take the whites of 3 new layd egs well beaten, a quarter of a pounde of | ||||
unsleaked* lime, j ? of orpimente*, these being beaten to powder, mixe it wth | ||||
the whites of the egs aforesayde & put thereunto : & make ye licor as thicke | ||||
as a salve, then anoynte ye hayrye* place therewith, & it will make ye hayre | ||||
fall of, & when it hath lyen* thereon the space of 2 howres, wash ye place | ||||
with warme water, & if it goe not cleane awaye, then doe so agayne, & | ||||
without doubte it will doe it cleane awaye, after yt anoynt ye place wth the | ||||
oyle of roses, or with ye oyle of violets, & it will make ye skin smoothe & faire. | ||||
309. For ye weakenes of ye synewes*. | ||||
Take ye oyle of roses, the oyle of allmonds, of each j ?, permacittie* j ?, aqua | ||||
vitae* 2 spoonefull, melt them together with a softe fire, then stirre it till it | ||||
be colde, keepe it in a glasse, & use it warme, cheifely about your necke, if | ||||
you ad to it 3 or 4 drops of the oyle of cloves, it will be most excellente. | ||||
310. For any bruise, inflamation, any sore, | ||||
newe, or olde whatsoever. | ||||
Take red leade j lb, common oyle j lb di, seeth alltogether with a soft fire till | ||||
it waxe blacke, stirring it continuallye, then drop a drop of it upo a cold | ||||
stone, & if it rise harde when it is colde, it is well boyled, & when you | ||||
take it from the fire, put thereunto j ? di of permacittie, & then it will | ||||
be most excellente : & so keepe it for your use. | ||||
311. For a strayne in the sinewes. | ||||
Take mallowes*, brookelime*, smallage*, grounsell*, & chickeweede*, of each an | ||||
handfull, beate them together, & boyle them in boares grease, strayne them | ||||
& beate them with Aquavitae, & so anoynte ye sinews therewith. | ||||
An excellente |
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Transcribed by KW and YR