The seconde booke. | ||||
278. For all sicknes of the liver. | ||||
Take a gallon of the iuice* of planten**, both leafe & roote, then put it into a | ||||
new earthen pot, & put bruised* licoris** thereinto, then binde the pot close wth | ||||
a double cloth of linnen, & lay colde ashes above, then let it seeth* upon the | ||||
coales till it be halfe wasted awaye, & drinke of this a sawcer full everye | ||||
morninge lukewarme, & at eveninge colde. | ||||
279. For ye wasteinge of the liver. | ||||
Take chickeweede*, housleeke*, & liverworte*, of each like much, stamp** them | ||||
& wringe out ye iuice, & put thereunto greate oatemeale till it be standeing | ||||
thicke, then lay it as a plaster under the righte pap* of a man, & when it is | ||||
drie, make a newe, doe this with 3 plasters, then take hartestonge*, parsley, & | ||||
hysope*, of each .m. then seeth these hearbes in a pottle* of worte* unto a quarte*, | ||||
strayne it through a clothe, & put it into a pot close stopte*, & drinke it firste | ||||
& laste*, at morne colde, & at even hot, whilest you use this plaster & drinke, | ||||
drinke no hot drinkes, nor wine. | ||||
280. For the liver. | ||||
Take a pottle of running water, an handfull of parsley, as much fennell | ||||
roots, a quantity of hartestonge, liverworte, sowthistle*, cannell* & annisseeds* | ||||
j lb of figgs, seeth all these to a quarte with a dishfull of fayre barly, & a | ||||
quantity of licoris, drinke this lukewarme at morne & even. | ||||
281. A drinke to keep one moyst in ye mouth. | ||||
Take a pinte of parsley water, as much rose water, mingle them together, | ||||
& put thereto stone sugar*, drinke this morninge & eveninge. | ||||
282. For a great thirste. | ||||
Stampe the roote of lovage*, & temper it wth water, & drinke thereof 3 nightes. | ||||
283. For ye payne under ye side. | ||||
Take hillworte*, Alexander*, parslye, red fennell, smallage*, burnet*, & grumwell* | ||||
of each like muche, seeth them in white wine till halfe be wasted away, straine | ||||
them & drinke thereof in the morninge colde, at eveninge hot. | ||||
284. For akeinge in the side. | ||||
Washe your side with your owne second water*, & strike* it ever downward | ||||
use it every morninge, & within three dayes it will make your water | ||||
of another colour, & ease your side. | ||||
285. For all imposthumes*. | ||||
Take wormewood*, mintes*, cammamill*, herbe Bennet*, mallows*, charvell*, | ||||
rose flowers, commyn*, & ye crummes* of leavened* breade, stamp them all, & | ||||
seeth them in wine or pisse, & lay a plaster thereof unto your side. | ||||
286. To make ye imposthume bag* come upwarde. | ||||
Take Mayweede, |
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Transcribed by KW and YR