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Page 73, Will, Fenwick Downes, 25 February 1702, p 1

In the Name of God Amen I Fenwick Downes of Hexham
in ye County of Northumberland Gent being Sick in body but of
perfect memory and remembrance thanks be given to Almighty
God doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner
and forme following (that is to say) Imprimis I give devise & bequeath
my dwellinghouse with the appurtenances in Hexham in the said
County of Northumberland in a street there called Priestpople
wherein I now live dwell to my trusty and well beloved Friends
John Carr of Hexham in the said County Gent and James Watson
of Hexham aforesaid Dyer their heires and Assignes for ever
To ye intent and purpose that they may with what convenient
speed they can Sell ye same for ye best profitt benefitt & advantage
that may be gotten for the same and pay the money ariseing by ye.
sale thereof to my Dear and loving wife Lidia if she be then living
and if she shall be dead before the money ariseing by the sale
thereof shall be gotten Then, my Will & pleasure is That the
money ariseing by the sale thereof shall be forthwith put to
Interest upon good security by ye said John Carr and James Watson
and the principall and Consideration thereof shall be from time
to time put forward upon Good security for ye use of my two sons
Fenwick Downes and Shaftoe Downes untill they shall attain their
severall and respective Ages of Twenty One Years Item I give
devise and bequeath unto my said wife Lydia my Messuages lands
Tenements and Hereditaments in Humsaugh in ye said County
And also one Water corne Mill in Humsaugh aforesaid And after her
Death to my two Sons Fenwick Downes and Shaftoe Downes and their
Heires Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Eldest sonn
Fenwick Downes the summe of Two hundred and Fifty pounds: And
to my younger sonn Shaftoe Downes the sume of Two Hundred
pounds to be payd to them and either of them by my said Dear
and loving wife Lydia my Executrix hereafter named when and
assoon as they the said Fenwick and Shaftoe shall severally and
respectively attain unto their full ages of One and Twenty Yeares
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Daughter Frances Downes
the sume of One Hundred pounds to be paid her by my said wife &
Executrix at her day of Marriage Item all ye rest and residue
of my Lands and Tenements in what place soever I doe give devise
and bequeath unto my said wife and her heires forever and I
doe hereby make her my full and sole Executrix of this my last
Will and Testament And I doe give devise and bequeath unto her
all my Mortgages Leases Bills Bonds Specialty ready money &
other Goods and Chattells of what nature and kind soever the
same be And I doe hereby make the said John Carr and James

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Transcribed by RMS and ALB