The seconde booke | ||||
260. For ye wormes & impostumation* in the mawe*. | ||||
Take aloes cicatrina* the waighte of 4 id or 6 id, grinde it in a mortar till it | ||||
be powder, then put it into a spoone with newe milke, & so take it twoe | ||||
or three dayes together : this drinke is to be used three dayes together | ||||
before you use the plaster followeinge. | ||||
261. A plaster for the same, to be used to bedward* verye | ||||
warme, five nights together, to be layd to the | ||||
bottome of the bellye. | ||||
Take of wormewoode*, cammamyll*, penyroyall*, tansye*, of each an handfull, | ||||
let them be chopped very small, & fry them with butter, & vineger. | ||||
262. To restore a nurses milke, if shee be drye. | ||||
Take the iuice* of fennell, & the iuice of vernayne**, & mingle them together, & | ||||
give it the nurse by it selfe, or with other drinke, & it will make the | ||||
milke increase more & more. | ||||
263. For the perilous coughe. | ||||
Take the iuice of white horehounde*, mingle it with honye, seeth** it & drinke | ||||
it in the morninge colde, & in the evening hot. | ||||
264. For the drye coughe. | ||||
Take annis* with the seedes, & violets, of each like muche, beate them to | ||||
powder, & temper them with wine, according to the quantity of the powder, | ||||
seeth them well together till they waxe thicke, then put it in a boxe, & | ||||
take thereof firste & laste* a prety** quantitye at once. | ||||
265. For the chine coughe*. | ||||
Take the roote of horselene*, the roote of comfreye*, of each like muche, | ||||
grinde them small in a mortar, & seeth them in water till halfe bee | ||||
consumed, then take as much or more honye, being first boyled & skymmed*, | ||||
put all together, & make a lectuarye*, & doe it in boxes, & let ye sicke | ||||
take thereof five or sixe dayes first & laste. | ||||
266. For him that hath the yexke*. | ||||
Stampe* sage, & temper it with easell**, or strong vineger, strayne it, & | ||||
drinke it, & it shall staye*. | ||||
267. For lacke of winde, & sickenes of the coughe. | ||||
Take elacampane* rootes in mid May, drye it & pare it, & cut it small, & put | ||||
it in vineger till it be softe, then dry it & take clarifyed honye, & seeth them | ||||
in a chafer*, & eate of this first & laste, & it will destroy ye tissicke*. | ||||
268. To helpe the tissicke. | ||||
Take an handfull of centorye*, j id of licoris*, seeth them in a pottle* of well | ||||
springe water till halfe be consumed, & put thereunto the thirde parte of | ||||
clarifyed honye, then let them seeth as long as any skymme* will rise, then | ||||
take away the skymme, & when it is colde put it into a glasse, & take of it | ||||
everye morninge & eveninge till you be whole. | ||||
For shortenes |
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by KW and YR