The seconde booke | ||||
247. To bring out the canker*. | ||||
Take red sage, make fine powder thereof, then take freshe greace molten, & | ||||
colde, myxe your powder therewith, & use it. | ||||
248. For ye fistulowe* in a womans breaste. | ||||
Take goates dunge & hony brayed* together, & lay it to ye sore, Item a mans | ||||
turd burnt & plastered, & layd thereunto, killeth the canker. | ||||
249. A remidye or medicine agaynste ye plague. | ||||
A little camphire* tempered together with rose vineger made of elder | ||||
flowers, or in the steade of them, of the buddes or leaves of elders at theire | ||||
goinge abroade*, it is good allso to take in 3 months the roots of Angelica, | ||||
avens*, elacampane*, setwell*, or gallingall*, bay berries*, or maces*, ye pils* of | ||||
oranges, lemmons, or cytrons*, likewise to carry in theire hands herbegrace*, | ||||
or wormewoode* or mynts* sprinkled with rosewater & vineger: In meats | ||||
& drinks to be very choyse*, & carefull, that they eate & drinke that which | ||||
is good & wholesome, & not corrupte, that they feede moderatelye, avoidinge | ||||
all unripe & corrupte fruits, likewise hearbes unwashed & rawe, that theire | ||||
breade be made of good corne, & not mustye, theire drinke lykewise of good | ||||
malte, & wholesome fresh water, the contrary whereof is & hath bene | ||||
a greate furtherannce of the plague. Theire brothes & other nutriments | ||||
are to be made with sorrell, betanye*, sinkefielde*, succory*, scabias*, unripe | ||||
grapes, barberries*, oranges, or lemmons, moderate exercise or labour of | ||||
the body is most conveniente, likewise as much quietnes of minde as may | ||||
be had, eschewing above all other ye fearefullnes of ye plague: if any body | ||||
finde his body repleate*, & mistrusteth the encrease** of corrupte humors* | ||||
within his bodye, it is needfull that hee resorte unto the phisition* to | ||||
understand whether it be good to purge, or not. | ||||
250. A medicine for sore eyes, ye pinne, & ye webbe*. | ||||
Take an egge, open the crowne, & put out all the meate, then take sengreene*, | ||||
stampe* it & strayne it with cleane water, & fill the egge with the same | ||||
water, & put in as much white copporis* as a small pease**, & then set your | ||||
egge in hot embers, that it may boyle, then skimme it with a feather, then | ||||
take it of the fire, & when it is colde, drop thereof into your eyes when | ||||
you goe to bed. | ||||
252. To make a man sweate. | ||||
Make posset* ale with marygolds*, cammamill*, & violets, drinke it hot, & | ||||
lye downe, & cover you warme. | ||||
252. For ye coughe, & payne in ye stomacke. | ||||
Take beaten avens, saxifrage, time, & dandalyon, of each a quarter | ||||
& put them | ||||
of an handfull, & wash them, & bruise* them ⁁ in a skyllet** with a quarte** | ||||
of ale, & one |
Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.
An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by KW and YR