The Seconde booke fo.35 | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
Take fetherfew*, matfellon*, mugworte*, solcicle*, scabias*, & mathyes* | ||||
wash them, & stampe* them, & temper them with stale ale**, & give ye sicke | ||||
to drinke 6 spoonefull at once, & if he have it betweene times, it will | ||||
destroye ye corruption, & helpe him that hath it. | ||||
229. For the same | ||||
Take an onyon, & cut him overwharte*, then make a litle hole in both peices | ||||
which you shall fill with fine treacle*, then set the peices together agayne, & | ||||
wrap them in a wet linnen clothe, & put it so to roste* in the embers, & when | ||||
it is rosted enoughe, presse out the iuice* of it, & give ye patient to drinke | ||||
thereof a spoonefull, & immediately he shall feele himselfe better, and | ||||
shall without fayle be healed. | ||||
230. For ye same | ||||
Take a pynte of good white wine, & boyle a couple of great onions therein | ||||
till they be softe, then strayne them with the wine, & then put thereunto | ||||
a quarter of a pynte of sallet oyle*, & an ownce of good treacle, & give ye | ||||
patient thereof to drinke. | ||||
231. To drawe the pestilent* sore from | ||||
one place to another. | ||||
Take the fish of an oyster, & bind it away from the sore, & ye sore will | ||||
gather to it: In the plague time, eate in the morning of ye receipte* of nine | ||||
chives* of saffron*, & pellits* made on this fashion: take of aleone* palicon*, | ||||
3 ? of myrhe*, terra sigillata*, & bole armoniacke*, 2 ? of camphire* or muske*, | ||||
j ? of saffron, j ? of ruberbe*, of saunders*, & spikenarde* like much, beat | ||||
all in mortar, & temper it with ye iuice of femitorye*, & take 8 of these | ||||
pellits fastinge as bigge as a pease*, rowle** them in the powder of licoris***, | ||||
& sup them downe with good bastarde*, keep fire in your chamber, travell* | ||||
till you sweate, purge well of evill humors* with lettinge of bloude. | ||||
232. A principall medicine for a skalding or | ||||
a burning though it be with gunpouder. | ||||
Take rape oyle such as hath not bene occupied* before, & boares greace as | ||||
much as will fill a dishe, 2 or 3 spoonefull of running water, & beate them | ||||
together with a spoone, it will be 3 howres a beateinge, ere it be white, | ||||
& the first time that the patient must be dressed after ye burning, you must | ||||
put into the medicine more rape oyle then boares greace, bycause yt then ye | ||||
burninge is more fervente, for ye oyle will kill the heate, & the boares | ||||
greace will heale it, & after you have dressed the patient divers* times, if | ||||
the flesh be ranke or prompte, or it have any deade flesh in it, take red | ||||
alome*, & burne it upon a stone, & then make powder thereof, & strawe** it | ||||
upon the sore, & lay a plaster upon it as above written, but when you take | ||||
of the plaster, it will not come of easily without payne to ye patiente, and | ||||
therefore take luke warme water, & a fine linnen clothe, & wet it in the | ||||
same water, & moyste the plaster with the same water, & after ye plaster | ||||
is of: take ye |
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Transcribed by YR and KW