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Page 63, Will, Christopher Wilkinson, p 3; Inventory, Elizabeth Heron, 11 June, 1702, p 1

decease, and if the said Bridge be not finished within ye said Terme of
Three Years, the same is not to goe for ye building of ye said Bridge
but to be repayed to my Executrix hereafter named Item I Give &
bequeath ye Severall Legacyes hereafter menconed to be payed by my
Executrix hereafter named (yt is to say) To my Cozen Christopher
Wilkinson of Lee house in Alston Moore the Sume of Five pounds,
To my Cozen Christopher Wilkinson of Gills house in Keenly ye
Sume of Tenn Shilling, To my Cozen Thomas Wilson of Chappel
House in Keenly ye Sume of Tenn Shillings, To ye Four sisters
of ye said Thomas Wilson ten shillings apeice, and to Margarett
Collinson of Swinhope Widdow ye Sume of Twenty Shillings. Item
All ye rest & residue of my Goods & Chattells as well Real as
personall after my funerall Expences Debts & Legacyes are
discharged by my Executrix hereafter named I give unto my
Dear mother Margarett Collinson whom I make sole Executrix
of this my last Will & Testament. And I doe hereby revoke
disannull and make voyd all other Wills & Testaments by me
at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I have
hereunto Sett my hand & Seale this Twenty Seaventh day of
February in ye thirteenth Year of ye reigne of our Sovaigne
Lord William the third by ye Grace of God of England
Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of ye Faith ec
Annoqz Dni 1700*. Signed Sealed published and Declared in
psence of us Edward Tingate Thomas Liddell Mathew
Christopher Wilkinson
A true & perfect Inventory of all & Singular ye Goods & Chattells
Debts and creditts of Elizabeth Heron late of Oardley in the County
of Northumberland Widdow Decd vallued and apprized the
Eleaventh day of June in ye Year of our Lord One Thousand Seaven
Hundred and Two
Imp Her Apparell, Purse & money in ye House 10: 00: 0:
In ye Forehouse One Bedstead wth Bedding & other } 01: 10: 0:
Furniture Two Presses Two Chaires two long Stooles }
Three Kettles three Panns Five Pewd dishes two }
Candlesticks and A parcell of Wooden Vessell }
In ye Easter* Roome One Bedstead and other furniture } 00: 15: 0:
one Table One Chair One Chist* One Firme* two great Chests }

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Transcribed by LF and JW