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Image 060, second book, folio 31b, receipts 175 to 184

The seconde booke.
175. For the swellinge of the bellye.
Take & stampe* green rewe**, temper it with wine, & drinke it fastinge.
176. For all manner of venime*
Drinke treacle* with wine or ale: Item eate fyggs stopt* with rewe, allso
drinke pympernell*, water cresses, consolida* scabiesa*, alltogether or alone.
177. For ye biteinge of an adder.
Temper centory* with your owne water, it is good allso for beasts: Item stamp
greene rew or fennell, fry them with butter, strayne them through a
canvas, & drinke it warme: Item stampe planten*, & sellendine* a like
quantitye, temper them with olde pysse, lay ye plaster to ye sore, & it will
asswage the swellinge, & drawe out the poyson.
178. For one yt hath bene bitten wth a mad dogge.
Stampe garlicke, & lay it to the sore with honye, & it will helpe, allsoe
garlicke eaten often, driveth out venyme, & if it be wthin, it wasteth it.
179. For one that hath dronke poyson.
Take gladen*, & dragons*, & stampe them together, & temper them wth wine,
strayne them through a cloth, & drinke it.
180. For the biteinge of an eyren*.
Rub ye place wth fresh fleshe, & stampe a radish roote, & seeth it in white
wine, or in vineger very tender, & make a plaster thereof, & lay it to the
wounde, & it will drawe out the venyme.
181. For all manner of swellinges in hands, legs, & feete.
Take well cresses*, shred them small, & put thereunto sweete lees** of wine,
wheate branne, & tallowe, seeth* them tyll they be thicke in an earthen pot,
& lay a plaster of this all aboute ye swellinge all a nighte, as hot as maye
be suffered, & allso a day unremoved, then lay freshe agayne.
182. For the same.
Make grewell* of otemell*, & cowe mylke, put thereunto ye iuice* of houseleeke*,
& sheeps tallowe, boyle them all together, till they bee thicke, then laye a
plaster thereof all aboute the sore.
183. For bloude fallen into the leggs.
Take stronge tanneroose* that never lether** came in, clenge* it & boyle it on
the fire, with the powder of osalam*, skymme them cleane, & put thereunto
the powder of bole armoniacke*, boyle them together, & skymme them cleane,
then take a lynnen clothe, & wash the legs with this water, as hot as may
bee suffered a good while, & then lap* ye clothe all aboute ye legge.
184. For feete swollen with travell.
Stampe mugworte* with boares greace, & commyn* bruised** together,
then fry them & make a plaster thereof, & laye it to the sore.
To make

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Transcribed by KW and YR