The seconde booke fo.31a | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
166. For them that cannot pisse. | ||||
Seeth* the heades of wilde garlyke in oyle, plaster it upon the sore place, | ||||
& it will helpe. | ||||
167. For ye swelling of |
Stampe* leeks & fry them in boares greace, & make a plaster rounde | ||||
aboute the yarde. | ||||
168. For ye swelling of the cods*. | ||||
Temper beane meale & vineger together, make a plaster thereof, & let it | ||||
come neare no fire, if you have greene beanes, stampe them with hony, | ||||
& make a plaster & lay it to ye cods: allso take the powder of commyn*, bar- | ||||
ly meale, & hony, seeth them together, make a plaster, & bind it about ye cods. | ||||
169. For scalding* with a common woman. | ||||
Draw out ye skinne of your yarde, & holde it fast together, & make water | ||||
into it, & hold it still a while, then move the water up & downe betweene ye | ||||
skinne & the yarde, & wash it thus twyse or thrise when you make water, | ||||
and it shall be whole within fowre dayes. | ||||
170. For burninge ex coitu*, | ||||
Wash your members with womans milke, or with the milke of a cowe of | ||||
one colour luke warme, & it will helpe both man & woman. | ||||
171. For ye scalding of ye yard, called ye apeganle* | ||||
Burne fayre linnen cloth, & make powder thereof, & put of the pouder | ||||
into ye yard, & this healeth any scalded or sore yarde. | ||||
172. For the emraldes*. | ||||
Dry the shells of mustles upon the hearthe, beate them to powder, & put | ||||
thereunto a litle salte, & blacke sope*, & beate them all together, then lay it | ||||
upon a gray paper like a plaster, & lay it to ye emralds, & this will heale it | ||||
easilye: allso annisseeds burnte in an earthen pot, & mingled with honye, & | ||||
layd plasterwise thereunto will helpe it:Item chafe* the crops of wormewood* | ||||
in your hands, & lay it thereunto & it helpeth: if ye emralds have no great | ||||
paps*, stampe well cresses*, & stewe them in a pot without water, & make | ||||
plasters to the rage. | ||||
173 If ye paps of ye emralds be greate. | ||||
Take mirrhe* & incense like muche, & cast them upon hot litle stones under | ||||
a close stoole*, & sit over them, then binde a red silke thread aboute them,by ye | ||||
roots of them, & cut them of boldlye, then stampe an handfull of wormewood, | ||||
& fry it with oyle ollife*, & lay a plaster thereof to it as hot as you can suffer | ||||
it, on the morrow use your seege stoole* & powder, & within three days you | ||||
shalbe whole: Item frankencense, & the pareing of an horse hoofe burnt | ||||
(it is good for ye same) letting ye smoke thereof to ascend into your bodye under | ||||
a close stoole. | ||||
174. For poyson. | ||||
Take id waighte of the herbe symphoine*, temper it with womans water, & | ||||
drinke it: Item take wallnut barke, pare away ye uttermost rine*, beate | ||||
it to powder, & laye it in ale or water all nighte, on the morrowe strayne | ||||
it & drinke it fasteinge. | ||||
For ye swellinge |
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Transcribed by YR and KW