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Image 056, second book, folio 29b, receipts 139 to 148.

The seconde booke.
139. For ye ach* under the side.
Take hillworte*, Alexanders*, parslye, loveage*, red fennell, smallage*, burnet*,
& grommell*, of each like much, & seeth** them in white wine, till halfe be wasted,
then strayne it, & let the patient drinke thereof, in the morning colde, & in
the eveninge hot.
140 For ye ague* in a womans breaste.
Take hemblocks*, & dry them betweene twoe tyles, & lay them to ye breaste
as hot as shee may suffer it: allso fetherfewe*, & hearbe Robert* is good for the
141. To staunch bleedinge at ye nose.
Claye tempered with rosewater & vineger, & layd plasterwise upon the
foreheade will helpe.
142. To staunch bleeding (though it seeme
unpossible) without any medicine.
Take a treene* dishe, put a quarte** of good red vineger into it, then put your
members as deepe as you maye in ye vineger, then take a lynnen cloth, &
wet it in the same, & anoynte ye vineger betweene the browes, & ye bloud
will staunch within a quarter of an houre, yea though ye vayne* be broken
143. A very good oyntment for ye raignes.*
Still* a gallon of strong pisse in a stillitorye**, put unto it sage, hysoppe,
hemblocke*, mallowes*, rewe*, scabias*, egrimonye*, of every of these halfe an
handfull, still of all these halfe a pynte, then put thereunto oyle olliffe* 2 sponful.
144. For ye ache in ye backe.
Take ashe, egrimonye* & mouseare**, stampe them together with vineger, then
fry them with boares greace, & lay a plaster thereof as hot as may bee
suffered, to the place where the griefe* is.
145. For ye ache in anye lymme*
Stampe* planten**, & synkefielde***, & put thereunto boares greace, frye them
well together, then make a plaster & laye it to ye place very hot, & it will
146. For too much sweateinge.
Stampe lynseed, & lettice together, & lay it to the stomacke.
147. For him that cannot sweate.
Take powder of drye commin*, oyle ollyffe*, barrows greace*, mingle them
together, & frye them, & strayne them, & put them in boxes, and then
anoynte him agaynst the fire, under the foote, & in his handes, & then
lay him in his bed, & heale him with clothes.
148. For ye elves* cake, or ague cake*
Take a catt, & smyte of her heade, & take out the bowells, & splat* the
catt, & lay it unto the sore side.
For ye same

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Transcribed by KW and YR