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Image 055, second book, folio 29a, receipts 129 (contd) to 138.

The Seconde booke Fo.29
Liber 2
wash your face with Aqua benedicta*, & it shall helpe you.
130. To take fleshe spots, or bloud spots awaye.
Take tartar*[*], & make powder thereof, then put the powder upon a
smooth marble stone, resolve it with water & grind it very fine, then drye
it by the fire or in the sunne, then put it agayne upon the marble, & grind
it with oyle, till it be turned into oyle, & anoynte the bloud spots therewith,
& they will vanish awaye.
131. For ye yellow iaundishe*
Seeth* sellondine** & licoris*** together halfe away, & drinke thereof, &
it will helpe you.
132. For ye canker upon ye bodye, & ye festered gowte.
Take ye iuice* of rewe**, mynte, honye, & vineger, of each like much, seeth
them well upon a softe fire; styrre them well, & allwayes when it boy-
leth, set it downe, & allwayes doe this till it creame, & when it creameth
as pitch, laye it to ye sore, as hot as may suffered, & it will helpe.
133. For the same.
Take the barke of an hawthorne, bruise it well in a mortar, & seeth
it well in red wine halfe away, then powre* out ye wine, & bruise the
barke small in a mortar, then temper it with boares grease, & fry them
together, & put a plaster thereof hot to the place.
134. For a thorne in hand & foot, though it be throughe.
Stampe an handfull of fayre daysy roots, temper them with ye yolks of
eggs, & flower*, & lay a plaster to ye place, & change it twyse a day, &
it will draw out the thorne, allso gratia dei* will draw it out, if it be possible.
135. For the same.
Take egrimonye*, ditanye*, lilly roots, of each like much, stamp them &
put ???? thereunto barrows greace* molten, & hony, of eache
like muche, stampe all together, fry them, make a plaster thereof, & as
hot as may be suffred, lay it to ye sore place: allso drinke the iuice of
egrimonye, and ditanye three times.
136. For a sore breaste.
Take fine claye, & temper it with vineger, ye yolkes of eggs, & saffron, &
lay it upon the breaste with a fayre clothe: it is very good for anye
sore that cometh of heate.
137. To make one pysse yt cannot.
Make a posset* of the iuice of sorrell, & drinke it colde: Item stampe housleke*
& sheeps tallow* together, seeth them & lay them to the member as hot as
you can suffer it.
138. To make one pisse quicklye.
Put galbone* upon the navell, and binde it unto it, & you shall pisse
For ye ache

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Transcribed by YR and KW