The Seconde booke Fo. 28 | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
oyle of cadlocke* seede, let them lye 9 dayes, & then boyle them in the | ||||
same oyle, & no other licor, then wring it out through a cloth, & put it | ||||
in a glasse, & so use it. | ||||
113. A medicine for ye scabs & itche. | ||||
Take j id of the oyle of bayes, j id of quickesilver*, & kyll* it wth fastinge | ||||
spittle*, & myngle it with spittle untill it come in manner to an oyle or | ||||
water, then mixe the oyle of bayes & the quickesilver, & so well tempred | ||||
anoynt the palmes of the handes, & ye soles of ye feet of the patiente. | ||||
114. To draw out & heale ye pricke of a nayle & thorne. | ||||
Take 2 handfull of sellondine*, as much of orpine*, & cut it small, and | ||||
boyle it with oyle, & strayne it, & use it. | ||||
115. A medicine to draw out a nayle or thorne yt is | ||||
in any place of ye body, without any payne. | ||||
Take the roots of reedes that growe in ye waters, & stampe* them very | ||||
small with honye, & make a plaster thereof, & lay it to the griefe, | ||||
and it shall come out without any payne. | ||||
116. For an inwarde bruise. | ||||
Take 3 spoonefull of the powder of stone pitche*, & put it in a litle | ||||
good ale, & drinke it colde, it hath bene proved, the next daye give | ||||
him some parmacittye* to drinke. | ||||
117. A medicine to stauch blood in any cut or wounde. | ||||
Take vine leaves & dry them & make a powder of them, & put the same | ||||
powder into the wounde, & it shall staunch incontinente*. | ||||
118. For one that is benummed of his armes, legs, | ||||
or other lymmes. | ||||
Gather a basin full or twayne* of white willow leaves, & seeth* them | ||||
very well in water, then put into the leaves a good quantity of vineger | ||||
& make a plaster, & lay it to ye place benummed, & these will gather | ||||
the flesh & bloud, & make it quicke* yt was deade. | ||||
119. For one yt is benummed partly through ye palsy. | ||||
Take the first buds of an ash which are blacke, & boyle them in vineger, | ||||
& as hot as may be suffered, lay the hand & arme that is benummed, in | ||||
the same licor, & holde it in, till it be colde, doe this five or sixe times, | ||||
& you shall be whole on warrentise* | ||||
120. For him that hath lost his speech through ye palsye, | ||||
so that his mouth is drawne to his eare. | ||||
Take aquavitae*, & wash his cheekes therewith by ye fire a good while, also | ||||
take ye iuice* of lavender, & sage, & fret** well his tongne, & gummes | ||||
therewith, & it will restore his speech agayne. | ||||
For the throate |
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Transcribed by YR and KW