The Seconde booke. fo.27 | ||||
Liber 2. | ||||
selfe, for that is ye best, & after ye same first halfe |
as yon can gesse* is stilled**, take away the fire, for ye space of halfe an | ||||
houre, & then adding to agayne a fast fire to the rest you may make there- | ||||
of what you can, which wilbe in ye whole but a quarte, & that is the most | ||||
it will yeilde. * ——————————————————-Looke 215 wch should | ||||
come in heere. | ||||
99. A good salve yt is both a clenser & an healer & will | ||||
cease the akeing of woundes that be rankeled*. | ||||
Take the iuice* of smallage**, petty morrall**, & planten** of each like much, | ||||
then take stiffe honye, the white of egges, of each like much, & as much | ||||
mixe of the hearbes as will goe into an egge shell, & then put thereunto | ||||
very fayre wheate flower, & meddle them well together, & let it come | ||||
neere no fyre in any wise. | ||||
100. A good medicine for a mans heade yt is broke, & ye | ||||
bone fallen between ye rymme*, & ye panne*. | ||||
Take fayre womans milke of a man childe, & take a fine soft scarfe, | ||||
& wet it |
fall downe betweene ye rymme & the pan, it is comfortable for ye sicke | ||||
man, then give him to drinke of the iuice* of egrimonye**, & it shall cast out | ||||
the bones within three dayes. | ||||
101. For wounds yt stinke, & are miskepte. | ||||
Take masticke*, & make powder thereof , & doe it into ye wounde, & it | ||||
shall doe away the stench presentlye, & doe it very much good. | ||||
102. A very good medicine for deafenes. | ||||
Take an handfull of alehooffe*, an handfull of hysop*, an handfull of red | ||||
sage, an handfull of the hearbegrace*, & boyle them in fayre water | ||||
in an earthen pot, & cover it with a tunnell*, & as it boyleth put the | ||||
small end of the tunnell in your eare, & by the grace of god it shall help. | ||||
103. An other for ye same. | ||||
Take a greene oaken sticke, & put it into ye fire, & take ye dropinge of the | ||||
same sticke, & dippe blacke wooll in the same, & put ye woll into your | ||||
eare, & that is good for the heareinge. | ||||
104. Agaynst ye colde of the heade, ye sorenes of the | ||||
necke & shoulders, ye dullnes of ye sight, ye my- | ||||
grime*, want of stomacke to meate, all which | ||||
cometh of the colde rume*. | ||||
Take stanning lye*, such as you use to wash your head withall, and put | ||||
thereunto bayes, sweete margerome*, cloves, & maces, & nutmegs beaten, | ||||
boyle all these in ye ly & wash your head therewith luke warme, & wth warm | ||||
cloths agaynst ye fire, rub your head & dry it, & it shall ease you. | ||||
105*. For ye white scaule**. | ||||
Take a piece of a tawed* sheeps skinne, cut it in long slices of an inch | ||||
broade, then spreade stone pitch* upon it, & lay it to ye sore, & let it be | ||||
24 houres, then |
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Transcribed by YR and KW