The Seconde booke fo 25 | ||||
Liber 2 | ||||
69 An other for ye same | ||||
Good wormeseed* beaten fine & eaten in milke, & fast 3 howres after it, allso | ||||
ye oyle of savene* is good, if you anoynte ye belly therewithe, allso ye pouder of [???] | ||||
aloes* eaten fastinge at ye riseing of ye sun is good for the same. | ||||
70. For sore eyes. | ||||
Take rotten apples, & still* them & wash the eyes with ye water thereof, this | ||||
water allso is good for ye face. | ||||
71.For the same | ||||
Take the stone called Lapis calemonaris*, you shall have it at ye apothecaries, | ||||
in | ||||
& burne it 8 times in the fire, & as oft quench it ⁁ white wine, & wash the eyes | ||||
therewith, & it will helpe them. | ||||
72. For red & sore eyes | ||||
Take red fennell & let it lye in running water in a pewter porringer* a day | ||||
& a night, & it will bee good two dayes to wash the eyes withall. | ||||
73. For sore & runnning eyes. | ||||
tutia* | ||||
Take tuittie it is a gray stone at ye apothecaries, temper* it with capons grease | ||||
& rosewater, put the quantity of a barly corne into the eyes. | ||||
74. For him that is poysoned with meate or drinke & swelleth. | ||||
Take hearbe grace* & stampe it & strayne it & drinke the iuice** thereof, & | ||||
it will helpe. Probatum est*. | ||||
75. An other for the same. | ||||
Take an ? of sallot oyle*, & drinke it & it will helpe allso. | ||||
76. To make a blacke salve for a wounde or bruise | ||||
+2Take j lb of unwroughte* waxe, j ? of libanum**, 4 ? of stone pitch, a pint | ||||
of sallet oyle*, a pinte of turpentine, 2 handfull of rosemary tops, j hand- | ||||
full of planten* leaves, one handfull of butson** leaves, let the pouders | ||||
be beaten groose*, & beate the hearbes allso, & streyne the hearbes, & putte | ||||
them alltogether in a panne, & set them upon a soft fire of coles still stirringe | ||||
it, & this must be made in Maye, June, or Julye, it must seeth* till it be halfe | ||||
wasted, then put it into a pot or boxe, it will last two yeares it must be refre- | ||||
shed betweene the dressinge with the oyle of roses. | ||||
77. To make the oyle of roses. | ||||
Take a quarte or more of rose buds, & plucke them & lay them a dryinge be- | ||||
tweene 2 fine linnen clothes, in ye sunne one day or two, stirring & shakeing | ||||
them twise or thrise a daye, then put them into a glasse, & put hereunto as | ||||
much sallet oyle* as will serve them, so let the glasse, oyle & roses stand in | ||||
the sunne, whereas no water may come to it 3 or 4 monthes, & shake the | ||||
glasse every weeke, & so it will come to his right perfection, & this oyle by | ||||
using of it thus, shall be better then anye that you shall buy at ye apothecaries, | ||||
for the sunne doth perfecly* purifye it. | ||||
78. To make a salve. | ||||
Take 3 ? of virgin waxe, 3 ? of rosen*, 2 ? of perrosen**, 2 ? of libanu | ||||
j ? & an halfe of turpentine, 3 ? of ye best oyle oliffe*, 2 drams of caphire | ||||
beate them into powder that may be beaten, then boyle all these together | ||||
in an earthen panne, & when they be well boyled strayene them through | ||||
a clothe & |
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Transcribed by YR and KW