The seconde booke | ||||
the oyle a litle quantitye, & stirre it together, then take white leade to a galls | ||||
of oyle allmost a quarter of a pounde of white leade, & put it thereunto, | ||||
or cuttle bone* | & allwayes stirre it fast: then take a quiddell bone such as gold smythes | |||
doe occupye, & shave it thereunto, & stirre it allwayes til it be white, for | ||||
the longer it is stirred, the better it is, & thereof will be a good oyntment, | ||||
but if you will have it fine, put thereunto camphire*, lytarge** of silver, & | ||||
lytarge of golde, oyle olliffe*, oyle of lynseed, & oyle of roses. This | ||||
oyntment is good to anoynte all hot sores, scabbes, festews, cankers, & | ||||
all other hot woundes. | ||||
52. To make Diaculum*, | ||||
Take virgin waxe, red, & white leade, of every like muche, virgin waxe | ||||
heales, red drawes, & white leade is colde, melte all these together, and | ||||
let it coole, & make it in rowles & use it. | ||||
53 An implaster of bay berries. | ||||
Take of fine frankencense, masticke, & myrrhe, of each an ownce, the | ||||
berries of the bay tree 2 ownces, of cypers* rost a quarter of an ownce, take | ||||
of clarifyed honye, as much as will suffice to make it, then spread it on | ||||
a clothe, & lay it on ye place grieved: This medicine is most excellet againste | ||||
the dropsye, & to asswage* all swellings of winde, if you will triple ye quan- | ||||
titye of cypers, & put into ye plaster a litle quantity of cowe dunge or | ||||
goates donnge, it doth allso asswage all griefes, yt come of cold & winde, | ||||
cheifelye the payne of the stomache, bellye, vaignes, bladder, & matrix. | ||||
54 A special good medicine for an ache. Mr Horners. | ||||
Mr Horner | Take a pound of Swage*, j lb of herbe grace, & di j lb of bay leaves, j lb of worme- | |||
wood, 2 lb of mellilot* j lb of cammamyll**, & put to every pound of hearbes j lb | ||||
of sewet*, & to every 14 lb of hearbes & sewet one gallon of sweet sallet oyle, | ||||
let all your hearbes be beaten by themselves, & then put them into a great | ||||
tray or vessell, & scrape in the sewet,& myngle it as you doe pye meate, | ||||
then beate them in a brazen mortar, tyll there be no sewet seene, then put it | ||||
into an earthen pot, & put in your oyle, & styrre it well, & stop it with claye, | ||||
& set the pot in ye ground a yarde deepe, & lay some planke or borde over ye | ||||
pot, for saveinge ye pot from ye wayghte of the earthe, & let it there bee | ||||
buryed 15 dayes, & then take it up & put it into a panne, & seeth it over | ||||
stirring it, & when it hath sd one howre, then take it of & strayne it into | ||||
a close pot, & keepe it to your use. | ||||
55 A special good salve for any sore or wounde. | ||||
Take 2 lb of mellilot, j lb of rybwerte*, j lb of planten, j lb of valerian, j lb of sage. | ||||
Mr Horner* | yarrowe, & beate them everye sorte by themselves, & take to every pownde | |||
of hearbes j lb of sewet scraped. & beate them all together, & put them into a | ||||
pot, & put to every 14 lb of hearbes & sewet one galllon of sweet sallet oyle, | ||||
& use it in m?closeinge, strayninge, seethinge, styrring, & buryinge, as is | ||||
above written for ye oyntemente, & put to everye 14 j lbof herbes & sewet, | ||||
3 lb of waxe, & 5 lb of rozen*, & so streyne it into a pot, & keep it close for | ||||
your use: This salve last written, tempered* with mercurye, precipita** | ||||
till it be coloured somewhat red, will eate out anye proude or dead fleshe, | ||||
out of anye wounde, & afterwarde the salve will heale it. | ||||
A Speciall good |
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Transcribed by KW and YR