The seconde booke | ||||
cleane clarified honye, & put all these together in a fayre earthen pot glased, | ||||
then take an hartes horne*[*], & cut away the upper rind, & shave the white of | ||||
the hartes horne to the quantity of a cupfull, & cast it into the pot & let it | ||||
boyle all together, untill it be as thicke as pappe*, & stire it well, & when | ||||
it is colde take thereof, & anoynte ye place often where ye ach is, without any | ||||
fire, & rubbe the place well with your hands, & use this 9 dayes together, | ||||
& it will helpe you, but beware in any wise, that you make no stronge | ||||
fire under your pot, & let your fire be made of the best charre coales, | ||||
for that is beste, & will seeth* it easlye. | ||||
46. For one that hath no taste in meate nor drinke. | ||||
Take a pottle* of cleare water, & a good handfull of dandalyon, & put it into | ||||
an earthen pot & seeth it tyll* it come to a quarte, & then take out the hearbes, | ||||
& put therein a good quantity of fine white sugar, tyll yee thinke it | ||||
somewhat pleasaunte, & then put it into a vessell wherein it may coole, | ||||
& then take 20 or 30 allmondes, blaunch them & beate them in a mortar, | ||||
& when the water is colde, put it to ye allmonds, & then put it into a cleane | ||||
ipocrasse* bagge, & let them come through without any compulsion, & | ||||
if it happen to be thicke, put the same licor into the bagge, & let it runne | ||||
agayne, & keepe it in a vessell, & let it be drunke at all times, when it | ||||
shall please the patiente. | ||||
47. A medicine for one beinge in weakenes of nature in | ||||
avoyding ye daunger of a consumption followeinge. | ||||
First prepare an earthen pot of 2 gallons filled with fayre water, & put | ||||
into the same pot a well fleshed capon, or a cocke, a shoulder of veale, & | ||||
a legge of beefe hewen into small pieces, & so to be set on ye fire, and | ||||
after the skimminge of the same pot, within ye space of an howre after | ||||
there will arise a greate fat, which must be taken awaye, & then take | ||||
parselye, & standmarch*, of fennell no more but the roots, of each five | ||||
handfull, & cut them rounde in small pieces of an inch longe, allso five | ||||
brannches of rosemarye, 5 leaves of harts tongue, 2 handfull of stiche- | ||||
worte, langdebeeffe, burrage, speryminte, sowthystell*, sorrell, danda- | ||||
lyon, violet leaves, of each an handfull, a quantity of hysop*, & after | ||||
these hearbes be cleane washed, & myxte one with another, thou stuffe | ||||
the capon with the same herbes, as full as it can conveinently receive, & | ||||
the residue binde in a bundle to be boyled in the same pot, wth the cleane | ||||
crust of a manchet*, then take halfe a pounde of greate reasons**, a quarter | ||||
of a pound of small reasons, 7 or 8 dates cleane washed & shred, halfe | ||||
a quarter of an ? of whole maces bounde in a clothe, a quantity of ye pouder | ||||
of saffron, 20 duckats or crusados*, or a wedge of golde of 3 or 4 ounces, | ||||
boyle all these together with the flesh untill ye broth be as clammye in | ||||
your handes as honye or worte, which cannot be done in lesse space then 4 | ||||
houres, & the pot must be still fylled up with warme water, yt ye clothe | ||||
seeth not dry |
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Transcribed by KW and YR