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Page 38, Will, Leonard Wilson, p 2; Inventory, Leonard Wilson, 28 February 1699/1700

And I Doe hereby Nominate & Appointe her sole Executrix of
this my last Will & Testament And Lastly my Will is That if my
said wife shall Dye without Issue to me, That then All &
singular ye partes & parcells of ye Lead Mynes at Wanlocke
head in Scotland, to me belonging or in any wise Appert-
taining, shall goe to my Brother William Wilson & to the
Heires of his Body lawfully begotten. In Witnesse
whereof to this my last Will & Testament I have sett my
hand & seale ye Day & Year first above written. Signed
sealed & Delivered in ye presence of Robert Pearson Wm: Liddell
John Roddam
Leonard Wilson
A True & perfect Inventory of all & Singular ye Goods & Chattells
Debts & Creditts of Leonard Wilson late of Dryside in ye parish of
Allendaile & County of Northumberland Chyrurgeon* Decd Valued
and Apprized ye Twenty Eighth Day of February Ao Rni Dni*
nri Willi Tertij nunc Rx Angl & Duodecimo Aoq Dni 1699/1700*By
us whose names are hereunto subscribed.
£ s d
Imp His Horse Purse & Apparell 20: 0: 0
Item His Household Stuffe 05: 0: 0
Debts oweing to ye party Decd upon Bonds
Imp P William Winter 300: 0: 0
Item P John Robson 14: 0: 0
Item P Leonard Wilson Sen 100: 0: 0
Item P Nich Whitfd* of Church Stile & Joseph}
Dickinson upon A Bond } 10: 0: 0
449: 0: 0
Desperate Debts
Imp P John Bell of Windyside 02: 3: 0
Item P Rowl Smith of Ordely 00: 15: 0
Item more small Debts amounting to 03: 0: 0
05: 18: 0
Item Funerall Expences 12: 0: 0
Wm: Winter* }
Wm: Wilson }
Tho: Liddell } Apprizers
John Roddam }

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by LF and JW