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Image 038, second book, folio 20b, receipts 16 (contd) to 24.

The seconde booke.
where the stick is, & so serve it 5 times, & by the grace of God it shall
ease you.
17. For a flesh canker*.
Take a quantitye of red vineger, 2 spoonefulls of stone honye, a quantitye
of baye salte, & the bignes* of a wallnut of roch allome**, & boyle all these
together, to halfe a pinte, & when it is colde laye therein a fewe sage
leaves, & rubbe the patiente therewith eveninge & morninge, and let
him not eate & drinke in twoe howres after.
18. To make the oyle of Exetor*.
Take calaminte *, hearbe John, sage, egrimonye, fetherfewe, pennyroyall,
lavender, pellitorye, rosemarye, cammomyll, hysop, liverworte,* eliber,
the leaves of roses, ye flowers of lillies & cowslippes of each a pownd,
& stampe* them in a mortar as small as you woulde for greene savene**,
& then put thereunto white wine, & let it stand a nighte & a day: And
then take oyle oliffe* as much as will suffice to ye hearbes, & seeth all these
so longe, till the iuice* & wine be wasted**, then set it downe to coole, &
take a stronge canvas bagge & presse it throughe, & put it in a glas or a
potte of tyme, this oyntemente woulde be made in June, it is good for
all manner of sores.
19. To make oyle of lawrell.
Take bayes or lawrell, & grinde them, & seeth them in oyle, & then
coole it, & then it is called oleum laureum*, it is good for a man yt feeleth
not his limmes, for ye palsye, & for mortification.
20. To make oyle of roses.
Take a good quantitye of roseleaves, breake them & put them into a glasse,
& put to them a good quantitye of oyle oliffe, & so let it stande in the same,
& every month chaunge the leaves, & put in newe, the longer it stand-
eth, the better it is.
21. To make oyle sambute*.
Take elder flowers, & put it in oyle oliffe, & let it stande in ye same, &
doe therewith as you did with the oyle of roses, & this is called oleum
22. To make oyle of allmondes.
Take allmondes & blaunch them, & hang them up in bags agaynste ye
sunne, & oyle will come out of them, this is good for all manner of
heate in the face.
23. To make a salve for woundes yt be cankred*, & doe
burne, & to bring them to their kinde.
Take the iuice of smallage, of murrell*, of planten, of each like muche,
then take ye white of an egges, & meddle them together, & put thereunto
wheate flower, & stirre them well together, till they be thicke, but let
it come neere no fire, but all colde & rawe let it be layed to the sore, & it
shall clense the wounde, & cease the ache, & bring it to his kinde.
24. For the breaste, brayne, & all other evills, (1) in man.
Take a lapfull of

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Transcribed by LF and JW