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Page 37, Will, Leonard Wilson, 17 October 1699, p 1

In the Name of God Amen The Seaventeenth Day of October
in ye Eleaventh year of ye Reigne of our Sovaigne Lord William
ye Third by ye Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland
King Defender of ye Faith &c Annoqz Dm 1699 I Leonard Wilson
of Dryside in ye parish of Allendaile & County of Northumbland
Gent being Sick & Weak in Body but of good & perfect memory
Thankes be to Almighty God for ye same, & calling to Remem-
brance ye uncertaine Estate of this Transitory life; & that
all flesh must Submitt & Yeild unto Death when it shall
please God to call Do make Constitute, Ordaine & declare this
my last Will & Testament in manner & form following revoke
-ing & Annulling by these presents all & every Testament and
Testamts Will & Wills heretofore by me made & Declared
either by word or by writeing & this to be taken only for my
last Will & Testament & none other. And first being penitent
& sorry from ye bottome of my heart for all my sins past,
most humbly Desireing forgiveness of ye same, I give & Committ
my soule unto Allmighty God my Saviour & Redeemer in whom
& by ye meritts of Jesus Christ I trust & believe assuredly to
be Saved & to have full remission & forgiveness of all my
sins And that my soule with my Body at ye Generall Day of
resurrection shall rise againe with Joy & through ye meritts
of Christs Death & passion possesse & Inherite ye Kingdome of
Heaven prepared for his elect & Chosen & my Body to be
buried in such place & decent manner, as to my Executrix
hereafter named shall be thought fitt & convenient. And
now for ye setleing my Temporall Estate & such Goods Chattells
& Debts as ye Lord in mercy hath been pleased far above my
Deserts to bestow upon me I Doe Order Give bequeath & Despose
of ye same in manner & forme following (yt is to say) Imp
I give & bequeath unto my mother Ann Wilson ye sume
of Twenty shillings of good & lawfull English money Item
I Give and bequeathe unto my two Brothers Matt: & William all &
singlar my Apparell to be equally Divided betwixt them
Item I give unto my sd Brother William Wilson my Horse
my Cane & Sword Item I give unto my Two Brothers in law
Joseph Winter & William each of ym ye sume of Twenty Shillings
of good & lawfull English money Item I Give & bequeath unto
Margtt Goulin ye Sume of Five shillings of &c Item I Give and
Bequeath unto my Dear & well beloved wife all ye remainder
of my Goods & Chattells as well moveable as Immoveable, my Debts
Legacyes & funerall Expenses being first payd & Discharged

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Transcribed by LF and JW