The seconde booke. fo. 20. | ||||
Liber. 2. | ||||
it, & it will runne muche, & you shall have more plentye of oyle if you fill | ||||
baggs with allmonds stamped, & then lay them under hot dishes or sand, | ||||
betweene cloths, & afterwards presse them. | ||||
10. The vertue of the oyle of sweete almondes. | ||||
This oyle doth mollifie the roughnes of the throate & the hardnes and | ||||
drynes of the longues*, & of all the inward parts, it healeth cosumptions, | ||||
it increaseth seed in men, it asswageth the heate of the matrix*, & of ye | ||||
privye parts of a woman, & allso the heate of the raignes*, & allso of | ||||
the bladder if it be layde to the place. | ||||
11. A medecine for ye coughe. | ||||
Take a quarter of a lb; of allmondes, & blanch them in a skillet, of faire | ||||
runninge water warme, with an handfull of violet leaves, 2 or three | ||||
leaves of burrage, an handfull of savorye, 2 or 3 leaves of buglasse, | ||||
& if it bee in winter take the rootes of the sayd hearbes, then take a hand- | ||||
full of greate reasens* the stones taken out, & 2 spoonefulls of any seeds | ||||
bruised in a mortar, & 2 spoonefulls of fennell seedes bruised, & 2 sticks | ||||
of licores* sliced & bruised, all these you must seeth** together a good while, | ||||
& stampe* your allmonds with the sayd water, that done put a litle sugar | ||||
thereto, & so drinke it evening & morninge, & by the grace of God it | ||||
shall make you well. | ||||
12. A medecine for the raignes of ye backe. | ||||
Take housleeke* & stampe it, & strayne it, & then dippe a fine clothe | ||||
therein, & laye it to the raignes of your backe, and it shall ease you. | ||||
13. An other for the same. | ||||
Take a water flower leafe, that groweth broade in ye river*, and | ||||
pricke it with manye prickes with a knife, & put it in a fayre linnen | ||||
clothe, & lay it to ye raignes of your backe, & it will ease you. | ||||
14. An other for ye same. | ||||
Take a spoonefull of saunders* drye beaten, & a sawcer full of vineger, | ||||
& a sawcer full of rosewater, & put them all three together, & beate | ||||
them well with a spoone, & then you must cut a peice of cloth fashi- | ||||
oned like an harte 2 handfull broade, & dippe it in ye stuffe aforesaid, | ||||
& warme it a litle at ye fire, & lay it on ye side that your harte is on, | ||||
& binde it with a cloth for fallinge downe, & ever as it dryethe, | ||||
dippe it & laye it to agayne. | ||||
15. A medecine for ye ache in ye rigge*. | ||||
Take egrymonye, & mugworte* both leaves & rootes, & stampe them wth | ||||
olde boares greace, & temper it wth honye, & wth easell*, & lay it to ye backe. | ||||
16. For a stiche | ||||
Take roses & cammomyll of each an handfull & oyle of roses & oyle | ||||
of cammomyll, of both together a sawcerfull, & a quantitye of barlye | ||||
flower, & boyle all these together in milke, & then take a lynnen bag | ||||
& put it therein, & lay this playster as |
where the |
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Transcribed by JW and LF