The firste boke | ||||
till you use it. | ||||
A good medicine for the stone. 76. | ||||
Take a good quantity of reasons* & still them in a limbecke** of glase in balneo**, | ||||
& drinke three spoonfulls thereof. | ||||
Another for ye same. 77. | ||||
Take the roote of primeroses, dry them and make them into powder & drinke | ||||
thereof as much as will lye upon a peice of 6d, and it will helpe you. | ||||
An other for the same. 78. | ||||
Take the hearbe called hartes tongue*, & plucke out the heares** in ye ribbes, | ||||
then boyle it in sweete water till 3 parts bee consumed, then take one | ||||
parte thereof, & 2 partes of good malmesye, & drinke it of for it is of | ||||
greate force agaynste ye stone, in ye raines*: and agaynst all inwarde griefes. | ||||
A spetiall* water for ye stoppinge of ye stomacke, and | ||||
hardenes of the melte*, slownes of concoction** & disge- | ||||
stion*, comeing of rawe & rotten flegme**, and so moste | ||||
excellent agaynste the collicke of the stomacke, & for | ||||
such as cannot retayne theire meate throughe the | ||||
imperfection, slippernes of ye same, as also againste | ||||
poysoninge, to kill ye force thereof, being taken in | ||||
time, called of ye Arabians (of an olde confection of | ||||
theire aqua*) Athanasya**. ———-79. | ||||
Take 2 gallons of the strongest ale you can get, wherein you must boyle | ||||
these things followeinge: first 3 handfulls of the purest myntes* you can | ||||
get, as much sweete margerame gentle*, & 2 handfulls of hyssop, & a handfull | ||||
of pennyroyall, beate these together, & let them steepe in your ale 24 howrs | ||||
close covered, then put into your ale j lb of licorise* well scraped and | ||||
somewhat bruised: j lb of anniseeds well bruised, and serced*, & of maces well | ||||
bruised 2 ?, of yzios* bruised 3 ?, of treacle of the meanest 4 ?, of dried | ||||
saffron one drame & groate weighte, & stirre all these together: & when | ||||
they have all stayed together 24 howres, boyle them on a gentle fire, for | ||||
one howres space, & then withdrawe your fire, & let it coole a little, & then | ||||
set on your limbecke, & lute* it rounde with paste, & drawe it with a gentle | ||||
fire, keeping it with colde water & wet lynnen* cloths, And the firste | ||||
pinte is most excellente. | ||||
This farre concerninge the noble countesse | ||||
of Oxeforde her medecines. | ||||
Heere beginneth a true |
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